I had viral meningitis with Influenza B in March 2018. I have had a horrible headache everyday since then. I also have major cognitive problems and I have trouble walking. I also was diagnosed with Chiari malformation but the doctor said I had it since childhood and that wasn’t the problem. I am off work and don’t know if these symptoms will ever leave.
Viral Meningitis : I had viral meningitis... - Meningitis Now
Viral Meningitis

I justed posted what I found relief with on another post, so I'm going to just cut and paste because it's kind of a long detailed list.
Sorry this is so long. But I found stuff that really helped me get back to normal quick, and hoping they can help others suffering through same nightmare I was living in.
When I developed vm, I, like others, was athletic, in great shape, and living very healthy organic lifestyle.
For over a year and half I was still having daily 24/7 headaches, head pressure, brain was cloudy-fogged, memory loss, lymphatic pains that were crippling.
I was taking immune boosting supplements (zinc, echinacea, dandilion root, and vitamin c). Took Neem Capsules for antiviral. I also took some brain and energy supplements: gotu kola, grape seed extract, and apple pectin.
Chief complaints were pain in groin lymphnode and headaches. I started trying to find any relief. While researching into lymphnode relief, I came across Graviola tea. The information I found was a group of oncologists who recommended their lymphatic cancer patients drink graviola tea while going through chemo for pain relief.
I thought, if it's strong enough to help cancer patients, maybe it could help me.
I ordered 30 organic tea bags off Amazon. I drank two cups a day, one in morning and one in evening, sweetened with raw honey and creamer.
A few days later, I woke up with no headache (1st time in over a year and a half no headache). Within two weeks, all of my headpains, eye pain, head pressure and neck issues were gone.
Within two months, I felt more normal than I ever expected. All other symptoms had decreased significantly!
After a couple of months of drinking tea, I cut back to one cup a week in the a.m.
I also cut back my supplements to 5-7 days I take, 10-14 days I break.
Whenever I take anything, I take a milk thistle to keep my liver and kidneys from getting overloaded.
Two years now of feeling good and I only have pain, fatigue, and issues if I run out of my graviola tea for more than a month. At a little over a month without, head pressure and lymph swelling come back mild and then slowly build up to pain. I buy more, go back to drinking daily, within two weeks back to normal, then cut back to one cup a week again.
Hope this can help others get lives back!!!
I empathize. I had it in July 17. I get crushing fatigue and forgetfulness, but started to do a very slow rtw in mid Feb, 8 or 9 months post. I have managed to do a part time rtw 4 hrs 4 days but it is still a big struggle and i cant see a return to full time on the horizon yet.
I found an anti inflammatory diet very helpful, taking ginger, turmeric, avoiding cows milk and gluten. I eat lots of veg, especially green and orange ones. I also take a b12 vit and culturelle Probiotic which is an immune boosting strain.
Take care and be gentle with your self. Celebrate all the little tiny successes no matter how small. Xx