I've had viral minute giantess six times how is that possible
Meningitis: I've had viral minute giantess... - Meningitis Now

lillian21164 there is a rare disease called Mollaret's Meningitis which is recurring viral meningitis believed to be caused by herpes. You can learn more information about the disease at mollarets.org and talk to other sufferers on our Facebook support group at Facebook.com/groups/MMSuppo.... Hope to see you there.
I had my first bout with Viral M. last July. Took months to start feeling normal but have never been the same. I have been in bed for one week now with all the same symptoms. Just not as severe. Horrible headache and heavy head feeling. Stiff neck so bad that if I tilt my head up or down , I feel my spine will snap. Went to Dr's and he put me on steroids, an antiviral med. and doxycycline. Neck xrays and blood tests were done and still waiting to hear back. Unfortunately no lumbar puncture was done. One week later , still a horrible headache and I just cant stay out of bed.