I was only 17 when I was diagnosed, to others this may not mean much to others. But for me it means the last 4 years I've lost a social life, friends and relationships because of meningitis. My symptoms are recurring, daily headaches, vomiting, hot/cold flushes, I even suffer with being deaf in one ear. Even though the meningitis may have passed people I know can't 'cope with me' I have felt like an inconvenience for most of these 4 years. They don't understand because they won't research what it is. If I tell people they walk away like I'm some sort of disease. I have depression and rarely leave my house unless it's for work. Even then people still do it. It's like they don't want to understand what I already have to face daily!
Meningitis. : I was only 17 when I was... - Meningitis Now
Hi Terri
I am wondering what type of meningitis you had ?bacterial or viral? Are you still having severe headaches that are causing you to vomit? If so maybe you need to ask your GP to prescribe or review analgesic medication. If you nip the headaches in the bud with a pain killer when they are just starting you will have a better result than waiting until the headache gets really bad. If that is not what causes your vomiting then maybe it is a consequence of anxiety?
If you are in the U.K. I would suggest you contact Meningitis Now and ask them to fund some counselling sessions to talk it all through as sounds like you are feeling down and in a pretty rotten emotional place right now. Getting meningitis at 17 yrs old is a very difficult time as you transition from school to the adult world and have to establish new friendships etc as you and many of your friends will have each gone different ways into work, college, uni etc.
Best wishes
I understand! My five year anniversary is this week. I try to focus on the fact that I survived and have a second chance. It's not easy. I have learned that others can not possibly completely understand only because they haven't been there. I don't get out much either but for other reasons. You'll be able to get your life back. I know you will. I would look into counseling. You're grieving the life you thought you would have. I'm old so at 51 it doesn't effect me the same. It's normal what you're going through. I'll keep you in my prayers. Please update me from time to time. You're not alone!
I too understand what you are going through. I had meningitis in 2013. lost hearing in 1 ear. and an severe. hardly any hearing in d other. I wear a hearing aid which helps me to have a conversation. I suffer severe titinus. unbalance when I'm tired. suffer extreme tiredness. I use to be a very lively person. LOVED MY MUSIC. THEATRES. U NAME IN. EVEN HOLIDAY BY MYSELF. now I can't even answer the phone. can only tex. Can't make a call because can't hear what's been said. I am a widow so get real lonely. if a guy try to talk to me. I find it difficult to hear so they give up. not easy. but thank God I'm still here. not easy for you been so young as well. but time is the master. don't give up. u will b in my prayers xxx
Hi Terri,
I had my 5 year anniversary of BM last year and still carry many after effects including a tendency to regular headaches and migraines which are severe enough to cause vomiting, hearing aids, tinnitus and impaired balance. I am sorry to hear that your social group has not better supported you - that is a reflection on them rather than you though; and it can be hard for people to know ho how handle (I have suffered many hurtful, but not intentionally so, comments).
I would encourage you to persist with your GP on pain management - I have found that a low dose of Amitriptyline makes a very significant difference to me (I had previously become dependent on pain relief drugs) and my hearing aids help me tremendously (even though accepting I needed them was terribly hard for me to come to terms with).
My life has changed and improved immeasurably over the last 5 years and I would encourage you not to give up hope that a full and meaningful life (albeit a different to the one I had planned) can be lived and enjoyed despite the brutal after effects of meningitis. Is there anyone near to you who has also suffered - can Meningitis Now assist in putting you in touch? - mutual support can be very beneficial.
Yours, Jos.