Good evening, I had VM in December 2011 and still not 100% 'me' again. However the thing I am asking today is has anyone else suffered this apparent reduction in their immune system? Before I was ill I had the occasional cold and they never caused much trouble. Now I seem to have a succession of them and they always knock me flat.
Low immune system : Good evening, I had VM in... - Meningitis Now
Low immune system

I had bm in Jan 14, and felt like you did all Christmas and New Year just gone.
Went to see a brilliant GP who listened to my concerns and ordered full blood tests. He checked thyroid, iron, liver, kidneys, white blood cell count, cholesterol etc and they all came back normal. It was nice to know it wasn't physiological.
Turns out it was just my children wearing me out (1yr old and pre-schooler) plus being down in Dec and Jan in England is kinda normal. It helped to chat things thru, and now I'm taking vits and looking forward to spring (also returned to work part-time, which is like a holiday!).
Are you able to see your GP and ask for the same?
I am 13 years post VM and I have had bouts of low immune system with infection after infection. As YWurri says get your GP to do as many tests as they can think of. Mine all came back 'boringly normal' which just meant I was not resting enough, not getting enough sleep and just burning the candle at both ends. Being self employed when work comes you don't turn it down so in 2013 I didn't have a proper stop, do nothing holiday and by Christmas I was quite seriously ill with 4 concurrent infections. My GP told me that I was at a much greater risk of the VM striking again if I didn't do something. It was nearly fatal the first time round (caused by pretty much the same things as in 2013) so I am pretty keen for it not to be next time, death is such a career limiter!
Speaking from experience VM does change your body and so it might take a while to adapt to what you need to do now rather than what you did before. It might take a bit of trial and error but I am pretty sure that resting is a big part of it. I took 2014 away from triathlon and exercise although work didn't calm down until August when my GP gave me a stark warning that I was going to be very ill if I didn't slow down.
Hope this helps, good luck!
Heya. Sorry to hear you were ill with Meningitis , which I know is a horrible illes and . often has damaging after effects . I have had 4 attacks of Bacterial Meningitis and the last attack was in Jan 2012. Yes often Immune deficiency is an issue and thats the reason I have had so many attacks , eg Primary Immunity deficiency which makes people more prone to illness . The last case was a result of sinusitis in the nose, which mean the bacteria entered the brain via the nasal system . I take life long Antibiotics and nasal Sprays etc , and as you hinted I very often feel weak and any little thing can knock me and make me feel exhausted . Its not always easy as i find the after care is very poor and very little real understanding from the Medical profession, and I often feel its like having a Invisable illness but very real.....
Its important to remain Positive but its not always easy. I just wish I felt better in My self......
Take Care
Thanks for the info. Did my Wife post these! She tells me I should have proper rest. Doesn't help working long shifts as a bus driver. I do take vitamins and have felt less tired but looks like I need to get proper rest.
I got VM in June 2012. I'm 57 years old now and still feel lethargic and headaches used to be crushing and now they are a 4or 5 out of 10 and I'm dealing with them. Loss of some hearing and buzzing sound in my right ear 24/7. Not sleeping well,guess that has something to do with always being tired. Every time I push myself to do something more strenuous,I pay for it with Headaches. Tylenol and Motrin 5 days per week. I would take more but my neurologist says it can cause rebound headaches. She was right,you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I hoped this helped a little.My immune system not too bad, I do seem to get head colds a lot. They say my ears and sinuses are clear through many tests,I know what I feel and it's not normal. Before my retirement,I used to work 70 hours a week for 35-40 years. I was a Bull. This VM brought me to my knees!
I understand what you are saying, I was in hospital administration, and now I am being forced into retirement. the headaches are terrible, the stiffness in my back and neck and the feeling of wanting to cry whenever I am alone, and most of my life. I am tired and have the buzzing around my left side of head and ear. I also used to work 10 to 12 hr days, and never missed a day unless I was hospitalized or under doctor control. I am tired and want to sleep, but then I cannot sleep. I am 62 now and this all started when I was 42. 17 hospitalizations, and at least 30 spinal taps, later, I was finally put on immunegoblin infusions.
Hi Chris,
If I had a £ for every illness and visit to my GP or consultant since having had Meningoencephalitis in August 2011, I'd be a happy woman!
So, my long answer to your question is Yes, I have very definitely suffered a huge reduction in my immunity since my illness.
My consultant is only now referring me to an Immunologist although, in fairness he did do a number of blood and skin tests during the 1st year after my illness - all of which came back OK, which was remarkable actually.
It's my understanding that a 'compromised immune system' is one of the noted side-effects of Meningitis, did you know this?
I am on a prophylactic antibiotic throughout the winter months called Azithromycin - I take one tablet three times a week and I keep a prescribed supply of Ciprofloxacin (antibiotic) in the house for a more serious infection. I should add here that five months after having had Meningoencephalitis, I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis, which is a chronic chest condition and so, I have to be doubly careful where infection is concerned.
Do you take any prescribed medication or supplementary vitamins?
Like you, it takes me twice as long to 'bounce back' again. I even have to be extra cautious visiting my grandchildren, as they can often bring in colds, coughs, sore throats etc at their young ages - such a shame, as I love to visit them.
I think you are amazing to be working and doing the long hours that shift timings require! I agree with your wife if she feels you need more rest, it's the key to feeling stronger and getting through the day.
I really hope things improve for you soon Chris. Spring is on its way and perhaps it'll be good for all of us. Keep well, stay positive and safe driving 😊
after having this disease, I was diagnosed with a low immune antibodies, IGG, IGM, and other antibodies, which I had to have immune goblin infusions for. the doctors didn't know which came first the low immune system, allowing me to develop the VM or the VM which after a years causes an exhausted immune system.
Yes, I had many test done over several years which showed I was low in IGG, IgM, and other immunogblins normally in a human. I actually had to go on Vivigoblin, which is an IV immunegoblin, which cost about 3000 per IV just for the medication. Not counting the IV supplies, or nurse etc. I has helped as I haven't been hospitalized since this. I had to take the therapy weekly for over 3 months, so it was very expensive. My test show I am still low, but I guess I am doing better. Not sure which came first the low immune system, or the VM
I had Viral meningitis in September of 2011. After my release from the hospital, I was constantly sick. Every month I would get sick for 1-2 weeks. Really put a damper on my life. I don't think I've ever fully gotten back to a 'normal' health. Not sick as often as before but still too much. My brain doesn't function normally either. It's a really slow process.