I had facet joint injections 2 1/2 weeks before it hit me, and a double lamenectomy (c3/4, and c5/6) the day before I went semi-comatose for a few days, 40 days in hospital.
They tested my spinal fluid found no evidence of bacterial or viral contamination. The facet joint injection was prepared at NECC, from Massachusetts. Infamous for the Meningitis outbreak in October 2012. Eosiniphil counts were 900, 800, 400, 40, 8 on spinal taps over the course of treatment. Was treated with voraconazole (anti-fungal).
NECC had dirty "clean" room, and a mattress recycling operation less than 100 feet from the air intake, for the single loop vent system. Directly for their whole plant, including the clean room.
Also, wondering, with those counts, how close was the great beyond?
Thanks, Jay