can anyone tell me how long it took their council to agree to supported living?
supported living: can anyone tell me how long it took... - Mencap
supported living

Hi greenapple123 I am still in the last leg of the supported living process my experience is this I contacted Social services in January 2024 but unfortunately there was a total mess up so much so that I had to get to the stage where a complaint was about to be made then I was contacted in Dec 2024 the process was starred in January 2025 we were given a brilliant social worker and it only took a month BUT you have to remember we lost a year we live in Essex so it depends on your area too that's all I can say but I hope it all goes smoothly for you....
It depends on a lot of things, but (underfunded) councils can take months longer than even their own estimates. There might be a need to wait for someone to move out, wait for paperwork or meetings, and there's usually some haggling between council and provider about costs to add to the mix. Firm, fair, persistent and booking 2 calls/ meetings ahead with the people responsible ( in case they happen not to be able to do the first one) was what I needed. Got there in the end. Good luck!