my mental ill son has been denied LD input because he has qualifications from collage, they won’t even do a IQ test, what needs does a person need to get KD support. What’s the difference between somebody with an IQ of 69 and 79? I don’t think there is much difference so why the cut off at 69? It’s not fair.
too high functioning for learning disbility services - Mencap
too high functioning for learning disbility services
I suppose there has to be a cut off point Deborah which is the case with most things. I found this table which seems to be similar with others. 79 score is classed as borderline on there but it does say this shouldn't be used on it's own to determine intellectual capacity. It needs to be used with other factors, which I suppose means his college qualifications. Hope this helps, hoping someone can advise. I'm not sure apart from his GP who could refer him..
hi Deborah, just wanted to share my knowledge on this - IQ tests are extensive formal testing by specifically skilled psychologists and not routinely offered.. the resource is scarce and demand high- so the NHS can’t afford it for general populations.
It might be something you could privatelyacess and the NHS would accept due to the nature of the test.. but I’m not sure how much it would cost you and you’d need to confirm this..
the local LD should at least be able to tell you what tests your son would need.. he would have to be willing though.. have you/they though about his MH capacity?
The local carers organisation might be a good source of support to connect with.. they should have MH carers group and could help understand support available locally. Hope that helps.
I seem to recall that our local authority has a problem with people who have a learning disability and a mental health condition. They save money by messing about and shuttling the person between LD and mental health support with each team ill-suited to help. The person in the middle suffers.
I’m guessing your son should be getting a full and thorough psychiatric assessment which should come out with recommendations for long-term support. I would push for that, via the GP or via addiction services (if you can), rather than getting stuck in an argument about labels. In the end, your son should have a care plan that takes into account all his difficulties.
Your son is vulnerable, and his difficulties are longstanding, so the support services need to get on with finding appropriate support. If they don’t, you could try initiating a formal complaint. MIND should be able to support you or signpost you to someone who can help your son get what he needs.
Trowbridge Community Living team have a rule that still stands today, if the IQ is over 69, it does not matter how many Learning difficulties there are alongside Autism etc, they disregard any special needs help!
Just to say that we had a similar experience with my daughter,. After several years with no official support we were given a diagnosis of autism and dyspraxia.
It has taken a life time, but over 40 years on, we now have the Diagnosis of Dyspraxia, Autism, Acute anxiety, Sensory processing disorder, PDA, PNES, PTSD, now they are looking into Arthritis, I have nothing to thank them for,More harm than good! all the way! My poor Girl!
The needs are more important than the actual diagnosis or IQ. IQ does not indicate level of functioning/ independence skills etc. Write down all of the issues your son has and dates and details of any crises. Ask for specific support eg a support worker to visit x times per week, explain how this wiuld help. Put everything in writing. Although you shouldn't need it, a more specific diagnosis might give more weight eg if he has social and emotional difficulties, autism is a possibility. Is he on PIP? If yes go back to the application and use similar arguments. If no, apply for PIP using the methods above. He could then use this to hire a support worker. In the meantime you coul hire one privately if you have the means. Good luck!
I meant to add, if they don't respond to the above, start a formal complaint through the council complaints process.