Resides in supported living for 4 residents. Family member contributes £60 pw towards joint food/cleaning mtls. All utilities are paid separately. Recently because of dementia has become incontinent now they want to charge her extra for laundry products as she uses more than the others. Your thoughts please ....
Supported living extra charge: Resides in supported... - Mencap
Supported living extra charge
My oldest son is urinary incontinent and he pays no more for laundry than the other residents in his supported living house. They stick him in a 12 hour lasting nappy and this keeps his clothes dry. We get these out of his PIP for him. They work really well.
Probably illegal for the setting to charge extra on account of a disability-related condition. Equality Act of 2010.
I wonder why a family member is contributing £60 a week. Surely this should come out of her own savings, and if her savings are less than £23k the local authority should be paying all her expenses and clawing back from her benefits whatever contribution is dictated by statute. She would be left with a small amount of “pocket money” and family members would come up with extras for taxis, clothes and treats.
The settings are under extreme financial pressure because of the care crisis and sometimes because they’re owned by companies that want to skim off a profit for their shareholders. The sector is chronically underfunded. So that explains why they’re breaking the law, but it doesn’t justify letting the burden fall on family members who themselves are under pressure.
Sorry may have presented it wrong. Resident pays the same as others out of her benefits.£60 pw. Utilities share paid on presentation of bills. If any other items needed, ie whitegoods, microwave, air fryer etc replacement cost is divided amongst residents. As deputy I arrange all other payments direct from her bank. Toiletries, etc paid by card - for the most part... They want to charge her extra for housekeeping because she has just started to have more washing than the others. I was thinking where is this going...