Urgent need of help: My 29yr old son who has complex... - Mencap


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Urgent need of help

Bsh693 profile image
5 Replies

My 29yr old son who has complex learning disabilities with limited understanding with no legal framework as state deem him to have capacity ( IQ 61 ) who is living in supported living has been living in crisis for some time now because lack of vacancies of suitable accommodation for learning disabled unavailable , I wrote asking for help just last month because I'm so desperate for help as he is now possibly looking at being sent to prison because of the trouble he is getting into , this I feel is out of fear because he is being taken advantage of because of his vulnerability in lack of understanding but also a big failure of services meant to protect & care for him , last week alone he run away 3x times ... the first he pitched up in the rain with another resident from his supported living who also is vulnerable having got the last bus at 9.30pm , I drove home very anxious as to what I was coming home to following 10hr shift at work to which I phone the police to ask them to collect them both as they are both vulnerable & suicide risks & can both be violent as didn't want to let them in to make them feel comfortable so they can repeat at a later date when they feel like as my son has previously done un-announced visits in the past , the police said they made the choice to come un-announced so they need to make their own way back , whilst on the phone to the police my son states "he is shaking & feels like he will do something stupid" this maybe a cry for help too so police said I should phone for ambulance to which I asked them to transfer me as I had dialled 999 to which they did .... The next call wasn't quite so understanding either as questions asked were is he breathing etc to which he was they said nobody would attend & could someone take my son to A&E to which point I told my son all the info given & pointed up the road to hospital & shut the door on them both ...... That was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make as a mother , my son abandoned who he was with & contacted crisis team who paid for a taxi to return to supported living at 4.30am & the other resident who my son had been with ended up waiting for 1st bus to return next morning approx 15x miles from supported living , second attempt the following day my son took himself off alone & got on couple of buses to local train station & tried to board a train but was prevented by station security who then took my son to their holding room & called the police but as they were busy it took a few hours for them to arrive but when they did my son was obviously agitated so for safety of all he was handcuffed an taken in police van back to supported living , whilst on the journey he was verbalising in the morning "he was going to run away" so police informed staff of his intentions , third day following morning police had returned my son at 2.30am but from then until 7am he was seen frequently smoking outside on the drive of complex then no sighting until 9am when he walked off site in the clothes he stood in no bag / belongings & more worrying no comment of where he was going or when he was going to return ..... that same day at 9pm nobody had seen or heard from my son as he has no mobile & he had no money just his bus pass , so when I had finished my 10hr work shift having made contact through the day with staff at supported living of any news with my son having not returned or contacted I phone the police & reported him missing for a second time in a matter of weeks to which I was told by the police that they were not looking for him as a priority as he does not live with me they needed supported living to do this not me as a concerned mother to which they did report him but still police were not taking it as a priority because it's his choice to go off even if unsafe , about an hour after reporting my son missing I receive a call from BTP officer stating he was beside my son in A&E in London because he had approached then stating he hurt his leg & was waiting to be seen by triage nurse but officer said my son wanted me to know where he was , when I woke the following morning I phone so called A&E to ask outcome to which they said my son was discharged with pain killers at 4.30am ... vulnerable , no money or destination & alone , because he is rather resourceful he managed to make his way back to supported living how I do not know but he did !! Last night my son was having suicidal thoughts having had disagreement with another resident so walked off complex & was returned by PCSO having been spotted in community late at night on his own , but later on in the evening he was overheard by staff member stating he had a hammer .... he does not own a hammer but somehow he had one .... an he proceeded to go off site of complex with this so called item police were informed an they said if they located my son & if he had so called item he would be arrested to which he was located & found with item in question , my son is currently on probation for a previous crime with a weapon in public which ends in April but last month when he was in court for a second time whilst still on probation the judge stated "I do not want to see or hear of any incidents because you will be brought before the bench" , I'm no way excusing this type of behaviour but it is so clear that services that are meant to care & protect are failing & I have tried to formally complain to social services & my local MP for help but all to no avail because they say that my son can make un-wise choices & because no DOLs or deputyship are in place nothing can be done , in emails they tell me to talk to my son but if he refuses to talk to me or engage with professionals what can I do ? If any professionals can help me I'm so in need of correct care & support to prevent my son going to prison , read my previous post if this helps for clearer view of current situation , sorry it's lengthy & rather personal this is how desperate I am as a caring mother ,

Thanks in advance if you read all ,


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Bsh693 profile image
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5 Replies
Jofisher profile image

Have you raised a safeguarding with adult social services ? Speak to mencap helpline find your son an advocate who can support him and you they are called Independent mental capacity advocates IMCA’s for short. Good luck

Get supported living place that is interested in transforming his life to voluntary or work experience or daycentre life. Really interested in his activities and supporting. Don’t settle on care home/supported living not proactive in his life. There are places who will do more ask social worker to find

Jewel52 profile image

Hi. Your son sounds very similar to my son. Unfortunately I can't be of that much help as we are struggling too. He now has a social worker who is looking into supported living but it worries me that they won't cope with him either. His behaviour will not change without some additional help which we can't seem to get. Mental health say his problems are related to his Learning Disability not his mental health. Easy to pass the buck I suppose.!! L D so far have offered no help apart from moving the problems to somewhere else. What happens then as he doesn't even want to go into supported living....

Bjs85 profile image

Firstly, sorry to hear your story, I can't begin to imagine the stress that must be.

You need to speak to citizens advice, your legal practice and the duty serlicotor handling the case.

For Legal advice, I can't give any as that is not my remit.

His mental state should be taken into account.

I have 2 questions.

What are the interests, the things he enjoys❓

Does he enjoy computers❓

flaounes4T profile image

So upsetting to read this post. No suggestions I'me afraid , but hope you can find answers Soon. S.S. are very unhelpful, as Iknow, Please keep positive flaounis4T

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