My son moved into supported living a few years ago. It’s a shared house close by with other young adults so we are very lucky but he has struggled with the relationship dynamics in the house. He’s the sort who takes on other peoples troubles and worries about them. About 18mths ago he said he’d like to look for somewhere else to live.
Social care said they’d need to do a reassessment which was delayed due to COVID. Recently carried out but they said housing not to do with them, approach local authorities. They agree he’s not ready to live independently, and I think his own front door with shared facilities would be ideal.
Providers say these are accessed through social care assessment. They say because he has direct payments for care he needs to research and approach providers himself.
He had to go onto Direct payments as the care provider for this house wasn’t on the framework.
Surely they can’t wash their hands of supporting and advising for him?