Hi I’m concerned about the tragic under funding of adult social care, is there anyway to join campaign take action do something? I’m not generally an activist but feeli can’t be quiet about this one
Adult social care … campaign?: Hi I’m concerned about... - Mencap
Adult social care … campaign?
I’m up for it why don’t you call Mencap Helpline and ask them to start a campaign highlighting this.
Me too
Hello Manyjobs
Great question
There is a big campaign by the Care Support Alliance (CSA) who have a #KeepYourPromiseBoris campaign.
Find our more here - careandsupportalliance.com/...
Mencap are part of this, and there is a short online form you can use to write to your MP to ask them to support the campaign here - keepyourpromiseboris.com/me...
The campaign calls for the Prime Minister to fix social care, just as he promised.
Here is a bit more about the CSA
"The CSA believes that with social care reform, including investing more money and giving care workers the career structure, pay and conditions they deserve, we’d have the strong and effective care system our country needs. Millions of older people and disabled people would also be better able to live decently and independently, and millions of unpaid carers would be supported."
Our campaigns team would love to hear from you too. There is some information on Mencap's website here - mencap.org.uk/get-involved/... and you can get in touch with them my email: campaigns@mencap.org.uk
Many thanks
Hi SarahThe CSA campaign is now finished, do you know if there are plans for more?
Kind regards, Nicola from Shine
Hello! We're doing lots of campaigning at the moment about social care. If you sign up to our campaigns mailing list, you'll then get emails about our campaign activities:
As well as the Keep Your Promise, Boris campaign, we also support an alliance called Better Pay for Social Care which is calling on the government to increase funding to local authorities so that care workers can get paid at least the Real Living Wage. You can sign the petition here: you.38degrees.org.uk/petiti...
This is something every adult should care about and something that has worried me for some time. My son returns about 40% of benefits in contributions. At the moment he manages but as time goes on it becomes harder to replace expensive things and means social contact will have to be reduced. Increasing contributions will cost in all sorts of ways in the long run and we need to be shouting about this while we can.
That sounds really interesting. I don’t know how to start something or what exactly to do but certainly looks like the will is there… but how to really push it out there to general population politicians and decision makers ?
This is what we all want for our learning disabled sons and daughters but it seems a million miles away. Amazing that the new social care project has been launched in SURREY, what does that tell you ? I agree social care needs reforming, reorganising and rebranding, support staff need a decent level of training ( I really believe it should be a vocation like nursing) adequate wages so they feel valued, as like you say they have many roles in the job. Staff shortages up North are at crisis point, so many people have left the care sector due to the demands of the job. People with learning disabilities along with care staff have been undervalued and underprivileged for far too long, (Covid is just another example of proving that) and they need positive changes sooner rather than later which is easier said than done. On a positive note I absolutely love the concept.
Yes I agree… what part of the country are you? We are in yorkshire
Sounds like something that is much needed.