Learning Disability Care Home Discrimination: Time ... - Mencap


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Learning Disability Care Home Discrimination: Time for Direct Action?

Suethemum profile image
10 Replies


My 34-year-old daughter who has LDs and lives in a residential care home in Pembrokeshire is being denied her human rights because of where she lives. Although Wales in now in Alert level 2, nothing has changed for her at all except that I am allowed to see her for 1 hour a week.

While the rest of society can go to pubs, cafes, shops, cinemas, pools, gyms etc, she is not 'allowed' to go and have a cup of tea in a friend's garden, go for a walk with me without staff to 'police' social distancing, resume one of her activities which is up and running safely, risk assessed by the local authority or come in my car.

The care home say they are 'following welsh Govt guidelines'. If this is true, those guidelines need to change NOW.

I have tried emails and phone calls and meetings. Nothing changes. I am thinking it's time for Direct (non-violent) Action. I haven't got a plan yet, but I'm thinking media, leaflets, placard, standing outside Welsh Government.


I'd be really grateful for any advice or to hear from anyone who'd like to do something similar.

Huge thanks in advance

Sue, Pembrokeshire

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Suethemum profile image
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10 Replies

Hi Sue, I'm sorry to hear what's happening with your daughter. Have you thought about contacting our friends at Mencap Cymru? They can be contacted here: wales.mencap.org.uk/informa...

Suethemum profile image
Suethemum in reply to VictoriaCA_Mencap

thank you

Kieran_Mencap profile image

Hi Sue, thanks for making contact. I hope all is well.

The best thing to do would be to contact Mencap Cymru on 0808 8000 300 or email helpline.wales@mencap.org.uk

The team will be best suited to answer your query. I hope this information helps.

Kind Regards


Suethemum profile image
Suethemum in reply to Kieran_Mencap

thank you Kieran

49Twister profile image

Hi I really feel for you it really is disgraceful. I don’t live in Wales but these rules are definitely from the dark ages. It has really been frustrating for all our adult children they have been forgotten throughout this pandemic. I am lucky in that my son has been able to come home for the first time since Xmas this weekend. I like you was beginning to lose patience with the way they have been treated since the start of this pandemic especially if they don’t have any health issues. We live in the North East of England and it’s been hard but certainly not as bad as what your going through. There is a rule somewhere in the government guidelines that makes allowances if the person suffers with anxiety, but I don’t know if this includes Wales !! It really is shocking the mental health issues this is causing. I do believe their human rights have been denied but not sure who might be able to help. I thought the organisations who support people with learning disabilities would have made their voices heard long before now. What about your local MP would they be able to help, and definitely the media, and possibly the Carers Centre where you live are a good source of info and support. I’m so sorry I don’t know how to help but someone may be able to on here. There must be lots of parents in Wales suffering like you hope they get in touch. The best of luck x

Suethemum profile image
Suethemum in reply to 49Twister

thank you. I've tried all those things: MPs, Mencap, Learning disability wales, Public Health wales, local council, writing to welsh Government, All-Wales Forum for Parents and Carers, newspapers, Care inspectorate Wales....No one seems to be able to help. It's such terrible discrimination. Thank you for your reply.

cautiouscandy profile image
cautiouscandy in reply to 49Twister

I absolutely second everything in this post.

cautiouscandy profile image
cautiouscandy in reply to cautiouscandy

To be specific, I meant that I absolutely second everything in Twister's post. Also I really feel for you Suethemum, my heart goes out to you.

Suethemum profile image
Suethemum in reply to cautiouscandy

Thank you

Rupertthebear profile image

Hi Suethemum,I think the best person to approach on this is your MP . They will be aware of current rules in your area. Have you spoken to the Residential home manager for guidelines and information?

I also think that people with LD are more likely to pick up the virus due to self awareness etc and forgetfulness of safety rules. So I can understand where they are coming from.

I went to the cinema this week with my boys and a restaurant but now regret for having been hasty to think things are back to normal because the government said so.

A friend works in a hospital and he told me yesterday the Covid patients have started coming in again . Apparently nog to alarm you but the patient had both jabs and his lungs were full of fluid and was only 35y old!!

So my advice is take it step by step .

I get a gym instructor in my garden for my boys once a week but am frightened as he doesn’t wear a mask and is close too.

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