Hi. My cousin currently lives in an extra care housing scheme and wants to move to be nearer to us (we currently live about an hour a way so it's hard just to 'pop in' and see him). I am struggling to find a good list of local extra care housing, he has learning difficulties so needs extra support. Is there a good place to look to find possible housing near to us? We are in Lancashire. Currently it all seems very piecemeal and I am struggling to work out whether accommodation providers offer the appropriate type of support. thanks, Liz
Finding Extra Care Housing: Hi. My cousin currently... - Mencap
Finding Extra Care Housing
Hi thanks - he has a social worker and they just said 'ok you just find a place and then let us know' I've contacted social services in my county (where he wants to move to) and they don't want to know till he moves here - I thought it wouldn't be too hard but there doesn't seem to be any kind of central register of properties - maybe I need to push back with his social worker? Thanks!
There should be something called the local offer on your local councils website. I would definitely ask the social worker for more help too. You have to badger them unfortunately.
Good luck
I would go back and ask his social worker and ask for more support. They must have helped with this sort of thing before.
I have also found a few links that might help:
> Mencap's Housing FAQs - mencap.org.uk/advice-and-su...
> Living with learning disabilities - lancashire.gov.uk/health-an...
> Housing - lancashire.gov.uk/health-an...
I also wondered if any of these were near to you - carehome.co.uk/care_search_...
Please call our helpline if you would like to talk this through with one of our advisors - mencap.org.uk/advice-and-su...
Best wishes