I am a full time carer for my 28 year old Autistic son.
Several years ago, During the David Cameron term, He was assessed and given a personal budget which was to be used to help him access and socialise in the community. I was told this was to be used on items such as entertainment, trips away, Fuel and other such activities that would support him accessing suitable activities. I was also told that this arrangement should be so simple to understand that the terms of it, using the PM's own words, should be so simple and minimal that it should fit on the back of a stamp.
The simple running of this personal budget was to be that I spend it on the activities and keep receipts which I then hand in to Local Authority every 3 months for auditing, which I have done so for many years. These receipts are always checked and returned, when approved as being correct and inline with his PB requirements.
My son is also asked to make a small contribution to the assessed cost of his personal budget based on his own income, which was DLA and ESA
I can only go back as far as the past 4 years with the documents I have, but his Personal budget has never ever increased despite fuel costs alone increasing by 20%. Everything else he was assessed to need the personal budget for, have also increased with inflation.
Not only does his personal budget not increase with inflation, but his PIP and ESA, although increasing, do not increase in line with inflation. However the amount he is being asked to contribute to his personal budget has gone from £28 per 4 weeks to £95
When I raise these discrepancies with the Local Authority, the explanations to attempt to justify this are far to confusing to understand, but they appear to have completely changed the description assessment of my sons needs to now simply put it into hours of care required per week. They then dismiss the need for his PB to increase with inflation by claiming Carers pay rates have not increased.
However I am still asked to supply receipts for the items such as his original plan, not for Carers hours.
In short I am not able to put petrol in his tank or access his usual activities and ask them to only charge me 2015 prices rather than 2020 prices because his personal budget has not increased. So his activities are having to be reduced which flies in the face of his assessed needs as a young adult with severe Autism and learning difficulties.
To give some idea of the difference over the past 4 years alone, when taking inflation into account....
His Personal Budget is now £88 below his assessed needs
His benefits are now £35 below
Yet he is being asked to pay an extra £67 towards his PB
Has anyone else been hit with similar cuts and if so what have you been able to do about it?