I need to find a job ASAP as I currently live in a rented accommodation via my local council. I need someone to help me find a job and someone to talk to about my problems. I am feeling so depressed
I need to find a job but I have learning difficulti... - Mencap
I need to find a job but I have learning difficulties and i can’t tell my family that I have not got a job

Hi Ash, I am so sorry to hear of your problems. What do you qualify in? Do you duffer from a Disability? If you do then you can apply for Benefits. Dan
I suffer with mild learning difficulties
I was suppose to be getting DLA for life but when it changed over to PIP I don’t anymore. I also can’t hold down a place of work well. I keep telling people I’m working when I’m not. I feel so depressed all the time
Hi Ashley..so sorry to hear how you are feeling
Have you spoken to your GP..have you friends who you could confide in? Perhaps give citizens advice a visit and they may let you know of any support groups in your area.saneline is free phone support that can be accessed..by yourself..&remember most if not all i have suggested would be completly confidential.my son got support from scope to help him look for a job.they may be able to support you as well.
As for not qualifying for PIP ..did you appeal the decision? Did you get any support in applying for PIP?..there is a website called benefits and work.(just google them) they are very good with advice and online support regarding applying for benefits you maybe entitled to.good luck to you Ashley!
Oh ..i almost forgot
Im not 100% certain but dwps "access to work" program might be helpful as well.call up or look up online if they would be any help to you.
I raised the pip decision and didn’t get it
Hello Ashley
I really hope some of the posts above have helped - there are some great ideas there.
Like @Artemi3 says, your GP is the right person to help if you are feeling depressed. They will understand and will know what to do.
There are also other ways to get support with depression, but you should see your GP first. Here are few links that might help:
If you are feeling very down, and need to talk to someone urgently, the Samaritans are always available. You can call them anytime on 116 123. It is free and confidential.
I am sorry to hear about your problems with PIP. Did you get any support with you application or appeal?
Finding work can be very hard. Is there a local Mencap service near where you live? They may be able to support with this? See if there is one near you - mencap.org.uk/advice-and-su...
Finally, Mencap's helpline is there if you want to talk to someone about any of the things you have mentioned. There is such a lot going on for you that it can be good to speak to someone who knows all about learning disability. You can give them a call on 0808 808 1111, 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.
They provide lots of information about different topics and can help you find services in your area.
Please let us know how you get on.
wo girl you need to stop pushing yourself, you are what you are, your family love you as long as you try get a new skill that's what I did just try
I’m a guy
Hi Ashley,
Sorry to hear that you are finding things tough at the moment. I’m one of the Mencap information and advice officers. There are some good ideas on here but I thought I’d add a couple of things…..
Turn2Us has loads of information on their website about benefits and grants. There is a benefits calculator too, so you can see what you might be entitled to.
Here is the link: turn2us.org.uk/
A lot of people who were on DLA have found that they have lost out when transferring to PIP. It’s always a good idea to get face to face advice if you can, and your local Citizens Advice should be able to help with any benefit claims or tell you what you might be entitled to. You can find your local branch on this link: citizensadvice.org.uk/about...
Have you thought about volunteering or supported employment? It could be a way for you to build up your confidence and a step towards a job.
You can check what’s available in your area using this list of organisations who offer supported employment: base-uk.org/member-organisa...
Finally, I’m going to agree with the other posts:
•if you are feeling very low go and talk to your GP
•think about why you don’t want your family to know – they might be able to help if you talk to them about how you are feeling. Is there anyone else you can talk to?
I hope that helps,
Information and Advice Officer