I just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone! Just wanted to share the official PET results with everyone that has been there for me.. I am blessed to say that most of the cancer that Ryan had throughout his body has resolved. We are NOT out of the woods yet, obviously he can’t be staged down but the doctor said this is probably the best news we could have received. All of his SUV levels are below 3, and are “normal”. We see the oncologist on the 2nd and we will see what the treatment will look like going forward ❤️ hope everyone had a safe night and you guys and this forum keep me sane ❤️
Happy New Year!!!: I just wanted to say... - Melanoma Caregivers
Happy New Year!!!

The best news ever! So happy that you can start the New Year with such positive news !
Wonderful news. HappyNew Year🎉🎉
Thanks guys! It truly is a huge blessing.. I couldn’t have done it without this support group, and a wonderful woman in NY. God is good and I will keep everyone updated on the treatment plan come January 2nd. This is exciting because with the MASS spread of this disease, for it to look like it does is incredible. It can give hope ❤️ everyone KEEP TRUCKING!!!!!!
Good news indeed Kelly! Keep us posted and Happier New Year!
Great news! Happy to hear it!
What a great way to start the new year!!
Thanks everyone!!! It truly is some of the best news we could have received. Met with his oncologist today, and overall the conversation went great. Got a lot of my questions answered! (For once I didn’t leave and think of 10 more) if the Taf/Mek hadn’t worked, and he would have had less than 3 months to live.. now that it has worked, we are unsure of the future, but all we know is that the PET scan showed no activity! Doesn’t mean the cancer isn’t nesting, PET can only pick up so much.. but it showed no active hypermetabolic activity which is miraculous. Our treatment options are this.. we can continue on with the oral chemo for a few months, and then switch to Yervoy and Keytruda combined. Both of them for 4 sessions, then stop yervoy and continue with keytruda. What we are all afraid of, is that in the time it takes the immunotherapy to kick in and do its job, that a storm will happen. The cancer will come back, and come back fast. The oncologist is giving us time to make a decision.. we could stay on the chemo, but at some point down the line, it can stop working. And we will have exhausted the “big gun” option. He had Yervoy back in 2013 I believe? And he responded VERY well to that, which led him to remission until August of this year. We have a big decision to make, but even the oncologist told us to breathe.. he is in the percentage of people that had what she called “a durable response”. Can’t say “complete response” yet, cause this is the first PET since he started the treatment. But we are sitting in a good spot. Anyway, any experience with switching treatments and what happened in the lapsed time? That’s what I’m most afraid of.. is another storm.. he was knocking on deaths door, and I want to keep him away from that as long as possible.
Kelly, I can understand your anxiety. My husband was also only given weeks before we started treatment. My husband was on Opdivo/Yervoy but he could only handle 2 treatments with the Yervoy so he continued with Opdivo. He still wasn’t doing well so he started Taf/Mek. What I’m trying to get at was he did the Taf/Mek for 6 months along with the Opdivo. I guess giving the immunotherapy a chance to kick in, and it did. He has now been on just the Opdivo for 9 months, and he is still NED. Praise God. If I am understanding what you are saying the Yervoy cannot be taken with the Taf/Mek. I didn’t know that, but my husband was off of it weeks before he started Taf/Mek. Your boyfriend had a good response to the Yervoy before. I will be praying for you both as you have a lot to think about. Keep those positive words his Dr said durable response, that sounds really good.