So finally moved doctors gp My records all missing my M.Ecfs Fibromyalgia Post exerional Malaise Restless leg syndtrome diagnosis all gone astray and im am left with heartblock now too to sort out all the mess including bit getting rightful entitlement to dissbled benifits am beside myself with stress of dealing eith it all alone its criminal
Missing heaths records : So finally... - Myalgic Encephalo...
Missing heaths records

Hi Charlie1606, sorry to hear this. I can understand you feeling stressed by it all. Your local hospital will have any records of appointments, treatment from them and you can phone them to put in a request.
I find having ME I need to take it all a step at a time, otherwise it can feel overwhelming. I keep a record of my health issues and medication especially now that they are all computerised. You could write a letter of complaint and ask them to relook. Otherwise I'd start making your own notes from what you can remember working backwards, as a start.
My own experience of applying for benefits is that they (DWP) are more interested in how your illness impacts you day to day rather than medical information. Make an appointment with your doctor for a new patient (tends to be longer than normal one) to discuss your health and what you need from them. Keep a diary of your daily activity. I found the Work and Benefits website hugely helpful when applying for benefits. Someone likened it to playing chess - you need to know the rules of the game!
Remember, there are many things in life beyond your control, so concentrate your energy on what YOU can do. All the best, El