WESTONBIRT 10K NIGHT RACE REPORT: if ... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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WESTONBIRT 10K NIGHT RACE REPORT: if a tree falls in a forest…

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon
42 Replies

Well, it was dark!! 😂

This was my first night race and the first time ever for this event so I really had to enter. As I’ve mentioned here before, my night vision is not good. I have astigmatism, and, at my last optician’s appointment, he told me that I have the beginnings of cataracts too, so why I was doing a night run I have no idea 🙄 But it seemed a good idea last September when I entered, and as I’m always keen to try different things with my running, here we were 😊

There was a 5K option and seven waves (over 700 runners) so there were runners milling around everywhere when I arrived and throughout. When I left there were still runners on the route, little orbs dancing in the dark and looking a bit surreal.

I’ve done loads of events with this organiser (Relish Running) and they are brilliant. The marshals are super-efficient and friendly, everything works like clock-work and the finish goodies are laid out like a sweet shop, tempting you with their wares. And of course, the blingy-bling!! Their bling is always fabulous needless to say. They now produce a jig-saw shaped medal for each race so that you can link them together. Neat, eh?

Anyway, to the race itself. There was a slight drizzle but it wasn’t windy and it wasn’t freezing. My race started at 630. I wore a head torch and the lights from the others were enough to give me a clear view of the ground. I thought that if I could stick close and follow others then I would be ok and have fairly good visibility. That was the plan.

To be honest I didn’t see much of the trees as I was always looking down and it was too dark to see any definition. In fact, I found it a bit disorientating after a while. I’ve run here numerous times and knew it well, where the tree roots protruded, where the paths narrowed, where the bumps were, but in the dark everything looked different and at times I had no idea where I was which I found a bit difficult.

The first lap of 5K was ok apart from a bump on a patch that I almost tripped over. “Oooh, that was close. I’ll have to remember that on the second lap.”

On the second lap, after about 6K I found myself alone. Others were far in front and far behind and so I had no extra light from runners nearby. My own head torch was hopeless and so I realised how dark it really was. I was approaching the bump that I missed on the first lap and remembered to lift my legs higher to avoid it. In fact it became a bit of a mantra and I said it out loud, “keep them up, keep them up…”

Phew! Managed to escape the bump and all was well.

Only a few more K’s to go (I couldn’t see my watch so I was counting) and I was on a path I recognised at last and had run many times before. Then, out of the blue, I stumbled and was on the ground 😱 “No no no” I cried out sweetly and quietly 😇 I fell on the same side, the same knee, the same elbow that I fell on last summer. It hurt. I have no idea what caused me to trip but there I was. I didn’t take time to stop the Garmin, there was nobody around to ask if I was ok, so I didn’t waste time thinking about it and got up and carried on. I mean, I’m getting really good at this falling thing!

I managed to finish and cross the finish line without further adventure but the funnels were a mud fest! Obviously, loads of feet had tread before me so it was a slippery, messy mud bath and that was where I was most aware that I could fall again 😮 But all was good as I picked up my fabulously coloured medal (a different design on each side), chocolate bar and water and made my way slowly towards the car. It was then I became aware that my right hand hurt, especially one finger. It must have got injured in the fall but I have no memory of how. I must have landed on it awkwardly.

It was too dark to see the time on my watch so I forgot about that until I got home.

After a shower I inspected the damage. Cuts in the knee and on the elbow and a very sore finger that I couldn’t bend. But hey ho, these are the wounds of a person who perhaps didn’t make the best decision to run at night 🤔

My results weren’t anything special for me and I managed just over 70 minutes, so not too shabby in the end. BUT, my Garmin showed a run of 9.94K and not the full 10K! If I’d seen that last night I would have run a bit further 😂

The knee and elbow are feeling much better today but I had to ask my husband to butter my toast for me this morning as my poor little finger is not too well ☹️ so no gardening or running for a few days.

Would I do another night run? No. I didn’t enjoy it and in places I could hardly see where I was going and just put one foot in front of the other and hoped for the best. Not the way I want to run.

However, this was a brilliantly organised race so if night races are your thing then I would highly recommend it, but it’s not for me. There is a day race today using the same route and that’s definitely more my thing. Surprise, surprise, I like to see where I’m going!

Puzzle for today. My base layer has a tear at the elbow but my jacket doesn’t. How does that work? 🤔

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Irishprincess profile image
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42 Replies
00marks profile image

Well done! Sounds like it was great fun.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to00marks

Not a lot 😂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Goodness! That sounds quite scary at times, well done for keeping going, and a good time, hope your finger heals soon, odd about the tear in your base layer. Oh and that bling is stunning

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toSueAppleRun

I might need to invest in a new base layer. Imagine! 😂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply toIrishprincess

Goodness gracious 😂

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

You clearly have sharp elbows IP!

Falling is no laughing matter though. Pleased you are ok, but you might need to have someone take a look at that finger. Bruising often comes out later too; just to cheer you up!

Perspective suffers on night runs, sudden dips are real hazards when your landing foot suddenly has 6 inches or more further to travel than you thought ! I experience the feeling in my stomach usually associated with sudden height loss in an aeroplane.

At least you are back in almost on piece, clutching that precious bling. Well done on getting out there and doing this and getting home ! 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toBeachcomber66

The finger bruised quite quickly BC but then I bruise easily. It’s getting better as it feels less stiff and swollen today, but still no gardening ☹️ I haven't had toast yet.

linda9389 profile image

Oh no IP, sending gentle hugs your way. Glad your outer layers survived OK - they look fab in the photo.Hope your cuts, bruises and fingers heal fast, leaving only the bling to remind you of a new lesson learned 😍

Well done for trying something different ... and being honest enough to say it's not for you.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply tolinda9389

Thanks for the gentle hugs Linda, much appreciated. I’m just impatient now and want everything healed so I can go out for a run! I am supposed to be on week 6 of a plan but there might be a slight delay ☹️

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply toIrishprincess

Frustrating! But great that you're itching to get back out - a very good sign 😊

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

I can imagine this run would have been better with a full moon and clear night Irishprincess . I have come to realise that my night vision has deteriorated as I get older so I think I would have been in the same boat as you, but you did it and the bling is so beautiful. So very well done to you.

I hope you haven’t done any damage to your hand, and that you aren’t aching too much today.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toDexy5

I thought that too Dexy. A full moon would have given us loads of light!Hey ho, we can’t control that yet.

Everything feels much better thanks and the finger swelling has gone down but it’s amazing how an out-of-action finger impacts so many activities!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Oh no Irishprincess , sorry to hear you've had a tumble, glad you are not too badly injured . It's easily done that's for sure, you did well to gather yourself up and keep going ! (I've done a couple of night races and they're not my favourites as I miss seeing the scenery! ) I guess put that one down to experience, glad you got your nice bling though! 🤪😊xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toaliboo70

Your’re right about the scenery Ali. It really doesn't matter where you run it as you can’t see anything! As you say, one for the tick box xxx

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Not the most enjoyable run for you IP, sorry about your fall but well done on completing it, I certainly wouldn't want to run in the dark through the woods that I regularly run in daylight, there are twists and many turns, if running at night on some of those twists I could end up in a stream or thick bushes or even a swamp next to the path, you and I will keep to day light running., 🏃🏾✔️

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toAlMorr

Everything looks so different in the dark Al and it was all a bit off putting for me. But hey, we need to try these things and at least I now know for sure that night races are not for me!

RiceAndPeas profile image

That's a beautifully colourful bit of being you got. Sorry you to hear about the fall and hope the damage heals quickly. You had quite an adventure by the sounds of it!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toRiceAndPeas

The colours are stunning! Of course I couldn't see them until I got home 😊

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Oh blimey IP! 😮 This sounds so tricky but of course, you picked yourself up and carried on - as we do! Hope your finger feels better soon and I am sure you will be back running as soon as the bruises have healed a little. Yep, you’ve definitely convinced me not to sign up for any night runs😮🤣🤣 (especially off-road like this).

On the plus side - look at those lovely photos and that beautiful bling! Worth it after all…😉🙂🏅

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toSandraj39

The finger is much better today thanks Sandra and at least the swelling has come down a bit.

The bling is fab though. At least I got something beautiful out of it 😊

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply toIrishprincess


cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh IP, that does sound like an adventure, not necessarily the best kind. I agree about Relish; they’re amazing organisers, so at least that part of the race was ok. And the bling, well it’s beautiful, so I hope your aches and pains and little finger feel a bit better looking at it. 😍 🏅

Really well done though. You did it (maybe against your better judgement), and now you know it’s not necessarily for you! You’ll appreciate your daytime runs in the Arboretum more than ever from now on. 🌲 🌳 🌴 (not sure I’ve ever seen a palm tree at Westonbirt, but you never know!)

No clue about the base layer mystery! Really odd 🤔

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply tocheekychipmunks

Everything feels much better now thanks Munks and the finger swelling has gone down although I haven’t tried to butter any toast yet! Putting my bra on yesterday was interesting 🤔

Stephen_UK profile image
Stephen_UKHalf Marathon

Hello IP. That sounds horrendous. Hope you are recovered from the fall and that there’s no damage done. I think you’re very brave to run in the dark!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toStephen_UK

Hi Stephen! Great to see you again 🤗 How are you?

Everything feels much better today but I’m not sure I’ll be running for a few days yet ☹️

Stephen_UK profile image
Stephen_UKHalf Marathon in reply toIrishprincess

Hi. All good, thanks. Still running. Glad you are feeling better. Take care.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toStephen_UK

👍 that you're still running.

TailChaser profile image

Sharp elbows, but not sharp enough for your jacket?!

Well done IP! If you hadn’t tried you might have regretted it, always worth a go. And great bling too! 👏👏👏

I know what you mean about the dark though, I have astigmatism and it’s a real pain this time of year running in the dark against car headlights.

My one and only Relish Running medal was in thick mud last year - they must specialise in it!

Hope you’re not too sore x

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toTailChaser

Weird about the base layer TC no idea how that happens.

I just don’t run in the dark because of my poor vision. It was one of th reasons I stopped going to a running club as I kept misjudging steps, etc and it wasn't worth the risk. I don't know how you do it.

Nothing hurts much today and the finger is feeling much better thank goodness, but I can’t hold sacetuers and can’t kneel so definitely no gardening for a while ☹️🙄

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

Oh dear IP, sorry to hear you took a tumble and you have a hole in your kit. hope the sore bits are less sore and you are back running. I must say you do look fabulous in the photo and that bling is something special.

I admit I really fancy the idea of running a race in the dark, but I expect the reality would not be as magical as I imagine, particularly as I'm not that careful on my feet. I do manage a circuit of the park with TailChaser and I love night running on the track under the floodlights, but I'm pretty sure I would end up disorientated and stumbling about, especially if it is somewhere I don't know. Well done you for giving it a go.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toShake-and-run

Hurty bits not so bad now thanks Shakes but can’t run yet as am too busy socially 😍

I think if, as Dexy says, it had been a moonlit night, then it would have been a very different experience. But hey ho I got the fab bling!

Teresa1632 profile image

Oh goodness, what an adventure, including the "strategic leap in the dark" 😱. Keep the base layer, the hole in it will become a dinner party anecdote for a while. The holey bit maybe caused by it taking the strain as you "strategically placed your arms out" 😊The bling looks amazing!

As for the injury, as long as the finger isn't making a rude sign, call it collateral damage for the bling reward 😉

Well done!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toTeresa1632

Haha love it, “strategic leap in the dark” sounds much more fun than my little tumble 😂 but at least I’m getting better at falling and am starting to take it in my stride 😉

I can still wear the base layer, Shame about the holes as I wear it all in the time in winter, but, as you say, I can show it off as proof of my injury. Mind you it looks like moth holes rather than anything else.

The finger is almost back to normal but has turned a lovely shade of pale yuk. I’m sure Farrow & Ball would come up with an outrageous name for the colour but I’d never paint my walls with it 🙀

nowster profile image
nowsterMetric Marathon

When I was starting to do night running last year (circumstances dictated) I got myself a present of a really powerful head torch. The previous ones I'd had looked like yours and were feeble in total darkness, or faded after about 20 minutes (especially when used with rechargeable batteries).

The only problem with a bright head torch is if it's misty or drizzly, the light comes straight back at you.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply tonowster

You're absolutely right nowster. Some runners passed me with powerful lights that lit up a big area and once they’d gone, it just highlighted the pathetic weak light that my head torch was giving out.

I never even bought the torch as a friend gave me hers years ago and so I rarely used it and when I did, it was through lit streets which makes a difference too.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

Oh you are brave to take this on. Your vision sounds very like mine, I have difficulty crossing roads at night when car headlights are bright, and especially if it's raining, so I think I know where you're coming from, or can imagine.

Well done for finishing, especially on a two lap race where you could have ducked out. Good time too.

As to your base layer, I fell over once, cut my knee quite badly, but not my leggings, I guess one material is stronger than the other!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toCurlygurly2

Yes, car headlights are a nightmare so I try not to drive at night for that reason. Do you have astigmatism too?

That happened to me with a pair of leggings. Cut my knee but the leggings were untouched. Good marketing stories 😊

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon in reply toIrishprincess

Yes, I have astigmatism, and early (!) cataracts. I haven't driven at night for a few years.

Cowladyrunning profile image

Well done on completing that challenge from your fellow Relish running fan here 💫 I bet it was disorienting in the dark - sorry you had a fall. That's a great medal. My last Westonbirt 10k was also less on my watch so I kept it on as I walked back to the car - it's frustrating isn't it!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toCowladyrunning

I found it very disorientating and at times had no idea where I was!

The comments from the marshals kept us entertained. They were so cheery 🤗

Oldfloss profile image

Maj... I thought I had replied... poor you! Ouchie ! it sounds to have been a tad disconcerting....and I am glad you were not too badly hurt when you fell.

Best to go again in daylight... I think mad axe men have the edge... at least you can see them coming... Well done to you though,,, and sorry I am so late xxx

Beeeooootiful medal though :)

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply toOldfloss

I’m definitely sticking to day time runs Floss. As you say, you can see the scary things coming 👀 xxx

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