I ran with a friend & all started well with a combination of running & walking when needed. The weather was pretty much perfect, overcast, slight chill in the air & dry. We had a brutal steep hill at the start, to warm us up! Then a short road section and onto another uphill section along a muddy track, crossed a quiet country lane into a field leading to woods. There was a short but very steep downhill section with old, rotten steps but we made it down safely. Through an old quarry & past a sea-shanty choir. This led us to a long downhill section of track which was muddy, rocky and uneven but we managed to navigate that safely. We got to a village & took advantage of the water station (served via beer pumps - see photo 😂) Then began another brutal uphill section. We ran as much as we could (very little 😂) and then started walking. Unfortunately, my friend started to feel nauseous so we took breaks & eventually she needed to sit down as she got a pins & needles tingling sensation in her fingers & head. We made the sensible decision not to continue and when she was ready, we headed back down the hill. Another rest at the water station with crisps for salt intake & she decided she was up to walking back to town via the main road. We ended up covering nearly 5 miles run/walk with the last 2 miles all walking. It was a shame & we’re both disappointed but it was important to keep her safe & well. She’s not 100% fit and in hindsight it would have been better to have swapped entry to the 3 mile course. The atmosphere back in town was great & we met & chatted with running friends we hadn’t seen for a while. So whilst we didn’t achieve what we set out to, we enjoyed the day. There’s always next year 😊
Race report - Runaway Train Trail rac... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Race report - Runaway Train Trail race - DNF 😞

Well done Runnin-g on supporting your friend. I hope she's feeling much better now. It's great that you still got some enjoyment out of the day, despite everything.
Thank you, too, for posting this. While success stories are great and obviously what we'd wish everyone, I think it's important also to hear about those runs that don't work out, for whatever reason.
Wishing you fun and success for your future runs!

Definitely well done on supporting your friend. I think that this is a real success story; the race doesn’t matter when things like this happen. I hope that she recovers quickly ❤️

Aw, that’s disappointing for both of you - but as others have said, you stood by your friend. 👍🙂It sounds like a really tough course too. love that you feel there is unfinished business here…one for next years calendar, I reckon!

I read this with much trepidation, feeling sure it would end with a horrible accident! How lovely for your friend to have such good support. Things don't always go to plan and then our measure of success changes too. That you both enjoyed the day and look forward to the next one is a great outcome. Well done both (and I hope she is now fully recovered).

I love your positivity with what sounds a pretty tough day. I’m sure your friend was so relieved to have you there with her and I hope she is feeling better.
As you say, there is always next year and the runs will wait for us. In the meantime you and your friend will have lots of fun-filled, joyous runs until then 🤗

That sounds like a fab race and it’ll be waiting for you to tackle it next year 🙂
I hope your friend is ok now after feeling unwell. We can never know how these things pan out. We can only prepare and hope for the best 🙂

Thank you everyone, thankfully my friend is fine & fully recovered. She’s been poorly since January with a cough (possibly post Covid symptoms) and has been prescribed an inhaler. It was a bit ambitious to attempt the 8.5 miles when she wasn’t fully fit but I’m so glad she’s ok. There was no question about helping her or continuing my race, I know she’d do exactly the same for me if needed. Oh, and I didn’t get to enjoy the Boxty Feast either. I could have but there was a massive queue & my husband & friends arrived to meet me so we went to the pub instead 😆 Have a good week everyone!

Thank you for writing about your Runaway Train Trail race. So special that you supported your friend, so the day didn't go as you had hoped but your friend stayed safe and you enjoyed the day too. Sounds good to me even not the type of good that we generally think of on race days. Well done to you and I do hope that your friend is doing well now.

Sometimes the sensible thing is the best thing, well done for being a supportive friend, and having a good day means more than anything

You’re a great friend Runnin-g to give up your race. It sounds a tough one but you definitely did the right thing. And as you say, there’s always next year.

As the others have said that was lovely to support your friend so a shame you couldn't finish this time, but I bet you'll be back!