Hello running friends. What’s been happening in your running world? Anything to report?
I’ve had a good week and am about to start week 5 of a HM plan. I must say, although it’s early days, but my twice weekly sessions on the stationary bike seem to be doing my fitness levels and general running a power of good. Although I know from experience that I still need to take one run at a time and not get carried away, but let’s just say I am quietly confident that, this time, I can get back to where I was two years ago…. 🙏🤞
I don’t know about you but I prefer winter running to summer running as I seem to have a bit more energy in colder temperatures. But hey! There’s winter running and then there’s WINTER RUNNING.
Bear a thought for runners in Oymyakon, Russia, who, on January 12th, ran a marathon in -52C temperatures!!! You could opt for a HM instead if you didn’t fancy the full distance 🥶
Runners had to undergo medical checks beforehand and thirty-eight brave souls turned up at the start line and were given hot tea, broth and snacks along the route. The winner was Konstantin Dragunov who finished in 3:07!!! Unbelievable 💪 I couldn't find out if they got bling at the end 😂
Apparently Oymyakon is the coldest permanently inhabited settlement on earth with an average winter temperature of around -50C. But I don’t think I’ll be visiting there any time soon.
Is anyone tempted? Brrrrrrr 🧊🥶
Let’s hope you don’t have to face anywhere near those temperatures but that, no matter what the weather throws at us, cold or heat, we can still get out there. For those on the IC, we send you loads of healing vibes and wishes for a speedy return to your runs.
Have a great week everyone as we say farewell to January and hello to February 🙂
From your team Beachcomber66 , linda9389 and me 💖xxx
🎽For races/events in February, go here to give us the details:
🏅For a shiny NEW BADGE for a new distance, head here: 10 miles, Half Marathon, Metric Marathon (26.2K), Marathon, Ultra (50K and beyond)