Last April I watched runners coming back into the Rec at Stratford on the last bit of their half or full marathon . The grandkids were with me and they enthusiastically cheered and clapped everyone. It was late in the day and these were the stragglers, I hope our efforts helped lift their spirits for those final few hundred yards .
This year I read that the medal had been designed locally and included a quote from Macbeth. Also as the full and half set off at the same time, the cut off is a full 6 hours . With a passion for Shakespeare I was tempted to think that maybe I could do it .
For weeks I wasn’t sure . I’m old, relatively new to running, slow and have a hip and knee that complain if I run more than 5k . I talked to my mentor, run buddy and friend TailChaser , she said she would help me with my training plan . I talked to my hubby who said I should be more confident and give it a go .
3 weeks ago I started my training . Last Sunday I did a 10k with a big hill for sausages, and on Wednesday I set off to run (and walk when I had to) 13k . I did it in under an hour and three-quarters. I was tired and with hindsight it was probably too far, but I needed to know I could do it. Consequently, today I entered the Stratford half marathon which takes place on Sunday 23rd of April .
And in order to keep my training fresh and exciting, I also entered the RED-FEB which requires me to run a least 1k each day for the month of February .
Thank you to everyone on here (especially those I have met in person) for your support and encouragement on my running journey. Here’s to this new adventure!!!