Starting to panic.......: The enormity... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Starting to panic.......

Pete1w profile image
40 Replies

The enormity of what I have signed up for is beginning to sink in. The HM is only 9 weeks away and I'm wondering if the training I have done so far is enough. After almost a month off with a knee injury before Xmas the physio advised I take it really easy so I'm only just getting to the stage where I can consider an easy 10K. I have printed off a training plan and I'm thinking that picking up on week 6 should be ok (of a 12 week plan which has 4 runs per week). I figure that 9 weeks is 27 more training runs. Call it 20/25 when stuff gets in the way so will a mixture of tempo runs, hills and a long slow run each week be enough? I'm under no illusion that I'm going to run a sub 2 hour but I really want to get round without walking at any point. Any tips are gratefully received.

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Pete1w profile image
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40 Replies
Madge50 profile image

Hi Pete, blimey, that’s a lot to expect to do, I run twice a week and have completed 4 half marathons, not under 2hours of course, but I have completed them with gas in the tank.

I’d say less is more, slow and steady too, I would say the aim is:

A) get to the start line

B) get round in one piece

Don’t forget you need whole body (core) strength training and low impact e.g a bit of cycling/rowing, plus you need to think about fuelling, water stations etc.,

I couldn't run 4 times a week, I don’t have the time and I’d get injured with overuse injuries.

I think your aim should be to enjoy it and get round at a steady pace.

Hope this Is helpful, good luck with whatever you choose to do, and please take care of yourself.


Ps. I think 9 weeks is plenty to prep for a steady HM if you’re already at 10k/6miles

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Madge50

Whew....thanks for this... the more replies I read like this the better.... I am behind with the longer runs, because of snow... ICE..... wind and torrential rain... and intend doing my best and what you are suggesting...

A) get to the start line

B) get round in one piece

I have been training inside so much...strength, stamina and cross-training.. that when I go out for a run it feels like I have new legs and feels good!

I have 6 Weeks...left.... :)

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

A seasoned runner friend said that to me before my first HM, plus, remember your finisher medal is the same as the first finishers.....- something I said to someone the other day.......note to self.....listen to your own advice...! 🏃‍♀️👍

Mine is 3 weeks away........😱....💪

We can do this....


Ps....winter training is just pants! 😩

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Madge50

The finisher medal is the same I like that thought; I keep telling myself that a slow HM is every bit as far as a fast one (although I still need to practise acting on that at the start of every run 😀 )

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to Madge50

Winter training is indeed pants. I don't mind the cold but it's the wind rain snow and ice I'm not keen on.😀 I guess I'll keep doing my best and post a big fat picture of my medal. Good luck with your HM and please let me know how it went

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathon in reply to Pete1w

Oh yes, we must have pictures of bling, it’s the rule you know.....🏅


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Madge50

Thanks you xxx Hopefully the weather will improve a bit... and if I can get a couple of longer runs in here and then when we are back at the Coast in a few weeks ( March 7th..)... I shall feel a tad more at ease:)

I have splashed out on a new treadmill... the weather proved expensive...when the ice returned and I felt so dire..trouble is, it is a lot more advanced than my other one... and I need to learn how to fly it... :)

Should have been here by 5 yesterday and arrived at 8! So.. have been spending today sorting out my studio and reading the instructions! I figured at least my legs will get the exercise in, if the weather is bad!!! Although tomorrow looks a possible now:)


Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to Madge50

No way am I planning to run 4 times a week.😨😨 I know my limits. I want to know that I have done enough so I don't let myself down on the day. The injury/recovery time was unfortunate but that's the way it goes. The physio gave me strengthening exercises to do and I'm quite fond a plank every now and then. With the long runs getting longer it's finding time to fit them in around work and other commitments. I set out for a run this morning but got blown back down the road due to the gale force winds 😂😂. Thanks for the advice and getting round in 1 piece is my main priority.

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathon in reply to Pete1w

I think I was just doing ‘running man’ on the spot at one point at parkrun this morning.....😂💨 mind you when I turned the corner and the wind was behind me, I was like billy whizz.....🏃‍♀️.......for about 10 seconds...,😂....


linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Madge50

I managed to go sideways, stay on one spot then fly forwards at one point this morning - all in the space of a couple of seconds 😀

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to linda9389

Were you running or dancing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Pete1w


Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathon in reply to linda9389

Where’s the photographer when you need them? I would have been proper flying! 😂💨🏃‍♀️ Both feet off the ground and everything!....


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Pete1w

roseabi and ju-ju- have put some great exercise out there.. and the plankety planks really do pay off... !

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to Oldfloss

I love a plank. Front squats, back squats and step ups. I must be doing something right cos I've had to buy new trousers.👖👖

linda9389 profile image

Oooh! Four runs a week? Might that cause a recurrence of the knee injury? Or even something else? I think I would concentrate on increasing the long run week by week but I would do no more than 2 other runs each week - maybe even just one. If you ratchet up the mileage too fast over the next 9 weeks, you may well be back on the injury couch. I agree, less is more. Fill in with cross training to improve your strength. You can do this, but do it with caution 🙂

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to linda9389

I think I should have pointed out in my main post that the training plan calls for 4 runs a week but I intend to only do 3 hence my slight panic if I've left it too late to reach HM fitness.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Pete1w

I really don't think it's too late - so long as you don't try to do too much 😀 three runs a week is plenty, you can do it with two. Have you checked out Abi's more gentle plan? That should give you confidence: even if you don't follow that plan, you can see it's possible 🙂

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to linda9389

I'll have a look at that plan. A gentle plan sounds right up my street. To be honest I'm my own worst enemy and I put too much pressure on myself. I'm already thinking sub 2 hours and a full marathon later on this year.......... SLOW DOWN YOU FOOL.🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 I have to remember this is more than 1 have ever done before and will be a massive achievement just to get round.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Pete1w

I am following roseabi 's with is just that the weather slowed me down over these last three weeks!

It is very, very good and the support is amazing...!

I have no intention of doing it in any particular time... I am a slow snail and I shall head to that line at my own pace... currently I am still running 10K in 1hr 12...!

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

One hour 12 minutes for a 10K is not slow Floss, just a nice steady pace. 😊

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to AlMorr

2 1/2 hour HM at that pace. I'd certainly be happy with that.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Pete1w

This will be my first HM too. I'll never manage a full marathon so I figure I need to make this HM slow so I have something to aim for in the future 😀😀😀

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to linda9389

I suspect I will never do a full marathon either. Best just to get this completed and see how my aging body holds up...

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Pete1w

This is the newest version of my plan:

I'd think you could start at Week 3 and go through to Week 11, which could get you to around 19K before the race if you want. Do 10K for the first "Pace" run and call that a long run for Week 3. Replace the 5K race in Week 8 with a long run, and run the "speed" runs at easy pace. Be careful about doing one-legged strength exercises as they may aggravate your knee - I'll have a look at it later and suggest alternatives.

Don't panic! I did my first half marathon with a classic case of "runner's knee", and my longest run before the race was only 16K. I'm not recommending it, but it is doable 😊

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to roseabi

It looks a fine plan. I did a long run this morning with no knee problems. I'm going to focus more now on making sure I get enough rest between runs and not push my luck. Thank you

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon

I'm not quite in the same boat as I'm not coming back from injury so not dealing with that worry, but do have a similar niggling feeling as I have a half marathon in I think three weeks, which I've absolutely not trained for. Life got complicated, so I'm lucky to get a 5k in each week just now. I know I can get round, but I'm definitely adjusting my expectations. For me, it's simply going to be a long training run now, in advance of my other half marathons this year. I think I'm going to do it at around 6.10 min/km, which is my long, gentle run pace, and if I go into it with that mindset I hope I will enjoy it even if it's not as glorious as I'd initially planned. It's just a case of tweaking your goals as you go! You have time to gently build up towards the distance, with plenty of rest and exercises making sure you keep your knee happy, and then on the day you will be in a good place to run a steady, and more importantly, enjoyable half.

Pete1w profile image

THREE WEEKS!!!!! I think you hit the nail on the head about expectations. Do I expect to run under 2 hours? It's my first HM so definitely not. Do I expect to be nervous at the start line. It's my first HM so definitely. Do I expect to finish? Of course and hopefully finish with a little sprint and a smile on my face and not crawl over the line my face contorted in agony. I went out this morning and ran a steady 11.5 km at 6km/hour. I know the course is hilly for the first 4 or 5 miles so if I can keep that pace for the hills on the way out then hopefully pick up the pace a little on the way back. As someone else said my medal will be the same as the winners medal. I'm not racing against anyone else. I'm challenging myself. Good luck with your HM and your future plans and thanks for your advice.

Hillrunner2201 profile image

You shouldn’t have any problems getting around without walking as long as you don’t push too hard with training or set off too fast with an unsustainable pace on race day.

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon

Deep breath Pete! First HM is a milestone! Get round in one piece at a comfortable pace! Get that medal and kudos bagged then you have your baseline for your next one.

A sub 2hr is quite an achievement for your first race. I am aiming for 1:55-2hrs for my first race but I know I can do a 2:08 in training....

Walk/run is a proven technique. I will be using this with pride on extending to full maras...if your body tells you too...slow down or even take a little walk!!

Good luck on your run and looking forward to hearing how you've got on!! 😎🤗

Pete1w profile image

I'm always worried if I stop running and start walking my legs wont want to start running again!!

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon in reply to Pete1w

If the legs can walk...they can run...if they need a little break just it give them that. Getting them going again...just think back to the c25k run walk!! Its the same thing...your now just futher down the road my friend 🤗😎

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to Windoze

I never thought of it like that. Run for 1 minute walk for 90 seconds. Repeat x9. It nearly killed me.....😱😱😱😱😱😱

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Still a whole 9 weeks and you are currently running 10k as your long run? I think you have no need to panic at all.

Three times a week is plenty. The most important run each week is the long run. Keep your training runs nice and easy. Maybe make one a speed run i.e tempo,fartlek,intervals (not your long run) and vary these to keep interest. If your HM is a hilly one try and incorporate hill as much as you can into your training too.

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to Whatsapp

Are you a mind reader???😂😂 That is exactly my plan. A quick 5/6 km (fartlek) then I live near lots of lovely hills so a session a week then save my long run for Sunday. HM I'm coming to get you......

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Pete1w

I can't fault your plan then, Pete. You will smash it!!

Pete1w profile image
Pete1w in reply to Whatsapp

Not entirely sure I'll smash it. More like mildly crumble it😂😂

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to Pete1w

Good enough

Lordi profile image

Your 1st HM is always going to be a PB as long as you finish! So forget target paces/times and just aim to get round whilst enjoying it. Walk through the water stations, it's easier to drink walking and you don't lose as much time/pace as you'd expect (if you're running at 6:30 then you are still walking a 10:00 pace for 30 m or so). I only trained up to 16km before my 1st HM and it was (just) long enough of a long run to get me round but I died badly around 17/18k. In hindsight I'd recommend getting as close to 19/20 km as you can before your taper.

Pete1w profile image

Thanks for the tips. After reading all the kind words and good advice I'm starting to feel slightly more relaxed about the whole affair. I know if I put the work in I'll get round ok. My primary goal has always just to finish whilst still being standing.

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