My Running Story: Q: Please attach a... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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My Running Story

LittleNell83 profile image
5 Replies

Q: Please attach a picture, doesn't have to be of you if you don't want - but tell us here: what is the picture about?

A: So, after completing C25K this was my aim- the Santa Run 5K for British Heart Foundation. I decided to fall off a kerb the week before so was half running, half walking/ limping around the run but I did it- and I was so pleased with my achievement. I raised £160 for the charity as well through sponsorship.

Q: Tell us a little bit about you!

A: I decided to start running last July, as I was finishing physio for a torn ligature in my knee (I fell off a kerb) and started C25K with my boyfriend. We got upto 20 minutes before he dropped out with flu, but I kept going. I signed up for the BHF Run to make sure I couldn't drop out.

I am partially deaf so balance and co-ordination can be a problem. If I trip I tend to over correct and go over. I have been saved on one occasion by a fellow runner, who saw me windmilling in run and offered me balance.

I am also an archery coach (Level 1), shoot a longbow and am a member of a cake club.

Q: How long have you been a runner?

A: Since July, 2017. Still not a runner- I plod on like a cart horse.

Q: Did you start running with a C25K programme? Why or why not?

A: I started with the BBC C25K, and after the App failed, I used the podcasts from Laura to do the runs. The structure helped me, and the fact I was doing small challenges at a time was a bonus.

Q: But what made you want to start running races?

A: Entering races means I can't stop- I have to keep going. Not done a race yet, but the first is coming up scarily fast (August 1st RAF Spitfire Run) then I have another couple this year.

Q: What's it like to run in your area?

A: Hilly. I live in Alton, at the bottom of several surrounding hills you don't notice until you start running. I run off road due to not being able to hear the cars coming behind me, so am off in fields or woods. There is the North and South Downs near the town, plus the Pilgrim's Way runs through the town. I often run to Four Marks before doing archery.

Q: What is your favourite race event so far? And why?

A: Not done any races yet- but the Santa Run was fun, and everyone was so supportive.

Q: What are your favourite mid-race snack, and post-race meal?

A: Mid run I have wine gums in my bag. After the run its normally ceral bars if at archery followed by a massive lunch or muesli. I do always make sure I have water and take SiS hydration tablets in them.

Q: Name a favourite running website (plus link, please!):

A: I don't tend to read running websites, except HealthUnlocked.

Q: What's next for you, running-wise?

A: My big focus atm is the Great South Run (10 miles) in October. I have approached a local paper to cover the fact I am trying to raise awareness for ATLA ( and lipreading and hearing loss in general. I am doing the run to raise funds for the charity ( ) but more importantly is the awareness. If I can change the perception of some people towards us deafies then I am onto a start- especially when its partial hearing loss and people come out with comments like 'you don't look deaf'. Also, the stigma around hearing loss which still exists is something I would like to try and break down further.

In March I am doing The London Landmarks Half Marathon to raise funds for a friend trying to buy an exoskeleton. I want to keep challenging myself but HM Is mad enough for me. Ideally I would love to do the Great North Run next year.

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LittleNell83 profile image
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5 Replies
Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon

That's a great picture, can't believe you ended up limping round the route! That's true dedication 😀

I love hearing about the causes people run for, they're so personal always and really make you think. It's curious how as technology advances and people find ways to minimise obstacles it's the negative effect of stigma that so often comes to the fore.

Those exoskeletons are incredible! We had a lady using one to go up and down the big main staircase at work for a bbc news piece, it's mind-blowing, life-changing stuff. I'm so excited to see how the technology progresses and how people's independence rockets as a result.

LittleNell83 profile image
LittleNell83 in reply to Sqkr

I didn't want to let the people who had sponsored me down, so had to complete it :) I blame the kerb, it moved.

I was talking to someone and I think part of it is that now I am in my 30s, I have the confidence to tell people whereas before I hid it and apologised for being deaf.

What an interesting story. I used to live in Canterbury and we used to walk our dogs along the Pilgrims Way. A lifetime ago. Happy memories. Well done for all your milestones. I bet you’ll do a marathon in the end 😊

LittleNell83 profile image
LittleNell83 in reply to

Nope... Definitely no marothans for me :)

roseabi profile image

Running and archery - fantastic! I love your picture too, you look so serious :)

Thank you for a wonderful post - I hope it's OK to link yours and the Challenge post together?

Here's the July Challenge post:

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