After my first Vabysmo injection, I got a very large floater 10 days later which is just making what little vision I have even worse. Doc said was not a detached retina, but thought some of the blood from a large bleed of vessel may have broken off into the vitreous. Anybody have a huge floater and if so, does it go away eventually?
Large floater after first Vabysmo injection - Macular Society
Large floater after first Vabysmo injection

No this is absolutely NOT normal . the person who gave the injection must have hit a large blood vessel and you should make a complaint asap. Are you in the UK and was this done on the NHS. Complain to PALS and ask for help on this situation It will not go away on its own Good luck !👍
Thank you so much for your reply. Was in the US and was 10 days after the injection. Had a large bleed 2 weeks before and so started up the injections. Gosh! Eye issues are so very frustrating! Thank you, though
not necessarily the drs fault at all! Have you had Vabysmo at all? It is actually very different from other anti Vegfs. How do I know this? Because I was on the NICE panel that got this to be on the the NHS.
It is thicker drug than the others and I think that has not helped in this case. I had 4 Vabysmo myself and had many floaters of air due to the thickness of the drug. So I would NOT necessarily put it down to injection. technique.
Not usual! It is normal occasionally to have the odd floater sometimes they can be quite large but they dissipate within a couple of days usually.