Told I have macular hole last week - waiting to see hospital - what is the advice please
New to macular hole: Told I have macular... - Macular Society
New to macular hole

Hi Daffodilia. I'm sorry to hear you have a macular hole. I don't know anything about that but I'm sure others will be along who can tell you about their experiences. In the meantime, I've put a link to the information on macular holes from the Macular Society which you may find explains things. Good luck.

Dear Daffodilia,
Macular holes usually affect people between the ages of 60 to 80. Vitreomacular traction is thought to be a risk factor. As you get older, the vitreous jelly in your eye starts to pull away from the retina at the back of the eye. If some of the vitreous jelly remains attached it can lead to a macular hole. Other risk factors include being long sighted, short sighted, having a severe eye injury or retinal detachment.
Macular holes are not usually referred as urgent cases. The referral is assessed and an appointment will be set accordingly. However, it is important to know that macular holes younger than 6 months have a treatment success rate of over 90% compared to holes older than 12 months which have a lower success rate.
We have a webinar which may be of interest by Professor Tim Jackson from Kings College London who talks in more detail about macular holes and other surgically treated macular conditions.
The Macular Society Helpline is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111. Alternatively, you can contact us via:
Best wishes,
Macular Society Helpline
That's very helpful, thanks. I have a macular hole following post-vitreous detachment a few years ago and was diagnosed with epiretinal membrane shortly afterwards for which I was told treatment is vitrectomy. I've put it off and my consultant says that's fine as I cope and it isn't too bad. I have annual scans and apparently it hasn't gotten any worse.
Having watched the webinar that cleared some things up for me . I have a lamellar hole and an epiretinal membrane together. Hope you get some answers! 😊
I had surgery for a macular hole about 18 months ago - I was petrified but the surgery was a breeze. You have to do the face down posturing for a week afterwards, but it’s not as bad as you think. I strongly recommend you hire a chair from Face Down Support - so much more comfortable and you can read, watch TV or even sleep. You should have cataract surgery done at the same time, as a cataract will usually develop after the surgery.
You do have a gas bubble in your eye for about 6 weeks which gradually disappears. My eyesight in that eye now is pretty good now, with just a little wiggle on the Amsterdam grid.