I would like to thank Pam who published her story in the newspaper setting out the delays to her six weekly injections. I have a very similar story and share her experience of the stress when every appointment turns into saga of phone calls, feeling like a total nuisance but knowing if you don’t persist there is no one else going to sort things out for you. It takes courage to take things further as Pam did. I salute you brave woman.
delay in appointments: I would like to thank... - Macular Society
delay in appointments

Well said Shimano, I agree with you, she was very brave and I know that you've had problems as I have too on several occasions. We shouldn't have to be our own advocates but unfortunately, it seems like it's a sign of the times now!!
I wish to add my thanks and applaude her courage. The best way, (as I found), is to get something in the press. Make as much noise as possible!! Don't be afraid you'll be sanctioned. I wanted to add a "like", but there is something wrong with the software. It wen't to a "report". I'm sure there will be many "likes" if the soft ware allows!!.
well done for speaking out, i think lots of us have had to "complain" and it does take courage .x
Hi ShimanoI have just joined this group and am not aware of Pam's actions though very interested as it sounds like something that happened to me - I had covid so cancelled my appointment but then couldn't get another. I tried everything to get one but they have no system for taking up cancellations or fitting you in. Eventually spoke to Pals and they emailed the doctor who runs the clinic and she arranged an appointment but the delay from the usual 6 weeks to 12 caused further damage which won't improve. It is impossible to tweak appointments or speak to anyone. I'd be interested if you have a link to Pam's actions - was it a newspaper article? Unfortunately we have to shout to get what we're entitled to now and it's very distressing. I also have painful injections so maybe can discuss this sometime too?
hi Maztee, welcome to the group. Pam contacted the press and got as much publicity as possible. This resulted in positive action from the hospital. Her post should be on this site somewhere but I have pretty stone age computing skills and often can’t find may way round the vArious parts of this site myself. Maybe others can point you in the right direction for her article. I am so sorry the delays caused deterioration in your sight. It’s bad enough to have macular without all the additional stress of fighting for appointments. The macular society give lectures once a month from experts in this field which are recorded. Highly recommend them. All the best to you.