Hi friends, luckily the shingles have cleared up and I just got my third Eylea injection today and guess what! This time the pain had been minimal and no horrible gritty feeling. I think there may be a little black blob lingering but really not nearly as bad. Next one in 2 months now. Phew 😄 courage to everyone and I love this site it's helped me so much with questions and you are all so supportive, we are all here for each other fighting this frightful horrible eye disease, love from squinty xxx
My third injection after delay with shingles! - Macular Society
My third injection after delay with shingles!

Great news squinty x fingers crossed it does the trick.
Hi Squinty, Glad to see your back on course. The "little black blob" is a tiny air bubble which should disappear within 24 hrs, I've had many. Keep an eye on it (sorry!) good luck.
Good for you, squinty. There is nothing worth than uncertainty. Hope everything goes to plan for you again. I went for my review today and the consultant has now decided that I should have treatment with eylea. Now I must wait for my ppointment, whenever that will be.
Finally at last, good luck with that ! I don't understand if u need the injection why doesn't he do it right away?! Remember we all react differently with it but as I said the last one was brilliant. Keep us posted and leg us knowcwhen it's happening 😄 Love from squinty xx
Hi squinty. I think the reason why the consultant has now decided to start treatment is that my visual acuity has dropped since my last visit. Also: because of my PED I am at greater risk of a split retina after treatment, hence his reluctance to go ahead with it. So he had to weigh up possible scarring of macula if not treated or a possible split retina with treatment. It is amazing how many different subtypes of AMD exist.
All the best from ayayay80
Glad all gone well for you this time. Agree that this site is so good for those affected by all the different types of macular disease/degeneration. Keep up the mutual support everyone - sometimes it's just good to talk!
So glad to hear that!!!!