I had Eyelea injection a week ago and still have lots of tiny black floaters across my vision. Has anyone else experienced this? Never had this happen before.
Black floaters after Eyelea injection Had ... - Macular Society
Black floaters after Eyelea injection Had injection 1weekago and still have lots of tiny black floaters. Anyone else experience d this?

Hi Blindbasset. Maybe you should ring your clinic and tell them about it, just to be on the safe side. I have never experienced that - I do get blobs and black polo mints from time to time but only for a day or two afterwards. Good luck. x
I get them but just for a day or two as well hope all is well
Certainly worth phoning the clinic, they normally go after a few days, but of course things can vary in this regard.
I had one after the first injection, due to silicon lubricant in the needle (wrong needle used) but lived with it as it only rarely was visible. After a couple of years of injections it appears to have broken up into about 3 very small dots which also rarely appear. They're about the size of fruit flies at 10ft away so no real problem. You can have an operation to suck them out but I've never bothered; I just live with it. They shouldn't still be using the wrong needles now though; I believe they were all notified about it a year or two.

Good Morning Blindbasset,
Please contact your eye clinic to discuss and get advice from them. Any black blobs ni vision should shrink/disappear within a 48 hour period, any longer and you should contact your eye clinic, just to be safe
All the Best
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Think I must be alone then. I had large black blobs after each injection some years ago & was told they would slowly clear. Most did but now years on I still have one that floats about & a couple that look like flies. Just shrugged off & told it happens sometimes so I have to put up with them. Very annoying but small price to pay for keeping my sight!
I've had some small ones which have still been there after 2 weeks
I have loads of floaters anyway, but since the injection in February I have had one tiny sharp-edged 'polo mint' which comes and goes (where does it hide? Nobody knows....). It's annoying but intermittent. I mentioned this to the junior doctor at my April and June injections and he wasn't worried and said it would go away eventually. I haven't had a scan since February (Moorfields, Covid protocol) but am due one at my appointment on Thursday. Hopefully I shall see the consultant and find out what is really going on - and perhaps find out more about the floater.
well, nothing to report about the floaters - not important unless there's a sudden change, the little one will disappear eventually. My scan showed that everything was stable (phew), so I had my injection and staggered home... Hope your fruit-flies are disappearing gradually.
Yes, I had my eylea injection last Week. I'm still having black spots, several tiny ones and one large one. I've been getting injections for years but the last few injections I noticed more black spots lasting longer. I'm wondering if they changed something in the medicine or supplier or It could be the longer you get the injection this is just a side effect. I don't knotbut having the same issues.