I have been suffering with possible chest infection and have been warned I may not be able to have an injection because of it? Has anyone had an injection whilst being unwell.
Thanks Ann
I have been suffering with possible chest infection and have been warned I may not be able to have an injection because of it? Has anyone had an injection whilst being unwell.
Thanks Ann
They always ask me if I've been on antibiotics recently. Once I confirmed yes ( toe problem after nail removal) and they went off to check with doc who said it was ok. Tomorrow I will be saying yes again ( dental abscess) last tab Monday - am expecting that to be ok too. I think it matters if you are still taking tabs. at time of inj. though not sure exactly what difference it makes - ?compromised immune system maybe as inj opens us up to further infection risk?
Are you just going for an inj? If so they ought to tell you beforehand so no wasted journey for you. Hope you get it sorted and you feel better soon x
Hi Eyesright, thanks for your message, I have to go tomorrow as had the dye testoday as they are concerned about a leak in my other eye now so tomorrow they will tell me if the leak is active and if so said I would be having an injection, I am then due next week for the monthly injection next week, I seemed to have a severe bronchial problem for the last month so had a fast track X-ray today so will know if I need antibiotics on Friday if it’s an infection. Think I am a bit run down at the moment as visiting my mum who is in palliative care at the moment.
I did wonder if I was fit enough for the injection last time, but didn’t mention it, a few days later I seem to have become more poorly with my chest? It’s difficult as my eyes are not stable and have to have a monthly injection at the moment.
I hope all is going well for you? Sorry to hear about your tooth abscess so good luck for tomorrow.
Kindest regards
Ann xx
Sending you a hug x sounds like you have a lot on your plate and it's easy for us to get run down. Wishing you all the best in such difficult circumstances xxx
Thanks Eyesright, just had the news i will have injections in both eyes, going to try Eyelea,
Life has difficult times and we have to get through the best way we can.
Thanks for your lovely message.
Love Ann x
If you have a chest infection you are likely to cough especially when laying on your back. Were you to cough when the injection is being delivered the ramifications would be unpleasant.
If you have or had an infection whlch has not yet cleared completely they will not give you an injection ln case the infection goes to the eye. Better safe than sorry.
I have never had such a query in almost 90 injections. The only vaguely related one was when I had sty in the eyelid of the injected eye but the use of Betadine was deemed adequate.
Thanks Rennatk, I will go ahead with injections and take great care, wow 90 injections, is it one eye or two, just been told it will be both eyes today!
Thanks for your response. Best regards
Hi ann yes often advised not to have injection if have infection,open wounds,or on antibiotics... Think its due to risk of further infections or eye injection not working as well .