Acum 6 ani (la 51 de ani) am fost diagnosticat cu degenerescenta maculara. Anul trecut in iunie, dr oftalmolog, a zis ca am gaura maculara la ochiul stang. Am urmat un tratament de 3 luni cu ceva prescris de el. Azi am fost iar la el si in urma consultatiei mi-a spus ca gaura s-a stabilizat, dar am tensiunea oculara mai mare ca anul trecut (32 si 30 fata de 24)Mi-a prescris tratament cu MacuShield 3 luni ( 90 capsule) 1 pe zi. Am intrat sa comand online MacuShield si am gasit si MacuShield Gold (90 capsule) dar pentru 1 luna. Adica 3 capsule pe zi. Intrebarea mea este: Pot sa iau MacuShield Gold numai cate 1 capsula pe zi, ele avand dupa cum am citit in unul din raspunsurile voastre, aceeasi cantitate de luteina, zeaxantina si mezo-zeaxantina? (parerea mea e ca nu are cum sa dauneze niste vitamine in plus)
Pot sa iau MacuShield Gold in loc de MacuS... - Macular Society
Pot sa iau MacuShield Gold in loc de MacuShield ?

As I've stated in a post somewhere or other, you will almost certainly find it cheaper, or better value, to buy the "ingredients" of MacuShield separately – except if you buy vitamin E with a high proportion of gamma tocopherol E, which you probably should.
I think fish oil or oily fish is also supposed to be good for the macula.
Taking lutein and zeaxanthin and a diet high in fish oil doesn't seen to have saved me from MD, though. My current "recipe":
1x Swanson Synergistic Eye Health
1x Swanson Albion Chelated Zinc (30 mg)
1x Swanson Albion Chelated Copper (2 mg)
1x Jarrow Gamma E
2x Superdrug Vitamin C 200 mg
1x Holland & Barrett ABC Senior (contains: Zinc 15 mg, Copper 2mg, Vitamin C 60 mg)
plus a diet with mackerel, pilchard and salmon with plenty of green salad and tomatoes.
(It's probably rather high in zinc, but that's offset by the fact that I also take extra iron.)
Wikipedia reports meso-zeaxanthin is probably rather important.
Looks like I should swap Swanson Synergistic Eye Health for something with meso-zeaxanthin. Things you learn when it's too late!
PS: Just ordered some TIME HEALTH Lutein - Meso-zeaxanthin - Zeaxanthin (which I shall doubtless take on top of the Swanson product – my guess is you can probably take as much as you can afford!)

Dear Tytyromania,
Apologies, I am unable to read your post, but I am copying a link to our Nutrition booklet in case this is of assistance:
Kind regards,
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