can non hodgkins lymphoma be diagnosed wit... - Lymphoma Canada

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can non hodgkins lymphoma be diagnosed with blood tests and scans (ct,mri, or ultra sound scan)?

mabaker profile image
15 Replies

I have had all these scans, awaiting the outcome of the last one. I have swellings on my kneck, upper chest and the inside of my right knee. My mother died from hodgkins disease when she was 58yrs, I would be grateful for any feedback. many thanks

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mabaker profile image
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15 Replies
JodiQ profile image

Hi, If this is what the Physicians are looking for yes it would my husband who has non hodgins lymphoma lymphatic leukemia was diagnosed after he bit his tonged, the day after he had trouble with his throat, an elevated temp, because they felt swollen lymph nodes in neck and underarms, they did a cat scan, this showed all the nodes even in his lung and abdomen- the blood test was done looking for infection, viruses etc, at first they thought infection, and started treating with antibiotics, then they said that was normal bacteria from the iv what they call a contamination, more blood test were needed as they expected it was lymphoma, which is what his brother at age 42 passed from, chemo off and on for close to 10 years,but my husb has the cll, a bit different, I'm no Doctor and I don't know where I read this, but you have a 50percent more of a chance to get lymphoma if a sibling has been diagnose, but if a parent has it your chances our way less. This is pretty easy medical condition to diagnois unlike multiple sclerosis and most motor/nerve conditions. I know waiting can drive us crazy, maybe a good book would help pass the time and relax you. Wishing you the best. Warm Regards, Jo

Zlata profile image

I am not a physician, but have a dual diagnosis of NHL and Aggressive B-cell Lymphoma (into which NHL can morph). For me, it all started with a long misdiagnosed case of wretched Herpetiformis Dermatitis, and probably Coeliac's Disease. My sense is that scientists prefer to have "real" science to support serious diagnoses of any kind of systemic cancer. Although a diagnosis may be suspected after scans and bloodwork (for example, my dermatologist used such results to force further haematological investigations), I think my oncologists needed biopsies to confirm diagnoses and to grade and stage disease in order to provide effective treatment.

mabaker profile image
mabaker in reply to Zlata

Thank you Jo and Zlata for your replies I really appreciate them. Both have helped me understand a little more what I may be dealing with, as I said my mother died of Hodgkins Disease but what type unfortunately I don't know. I do know it can be possible for it to have been passed on to me. I have developed blood spots, I have no pain whatsoever, I also have a thyroid problem and have taken medication for this for about eleven years. The lymph glands that are swollen are my kneck, upper chest and knee which is where my mother first discovered it. I am new to this site I found it while trying to research the problem, thank you once again. mabaker

Nana7 profile image

all of the above tests will lead to your diagnosis...i have just finished 5 courses of chemo, but a long with it i have done every natural remedy there is to do.. i bought the best of the best juicers and drink fresh organic juices every day.. i also drink greens.. wheat grass and barley grass.. i have changed my style of eating again.. no white death meaning sugar and wheat... let me know how your diagnosis is.. i would love to support you in any way i can..

susandoyle54 profile image

I went through all the scans and blood work too but was diagnosed within 8 hours and put in hospital within 3 days and 1st chemo treatment in 5 days. I was 57 when diagnosed 3 years ago and only had swelling in my left abdomon and they discovered it was my Splean that was trying to fight off the cancer but was losing. For 3 weeks prior, I was having terrible soaking night sweats but no swelling anywhere else. Apparently the Night Sweats gave it away! My cancer is Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 5 and also traces in my bone marrow. I went through a year of chemo called CHOP and doctor informed me that I could live up to 10 years. I have now been in remission for almost 2 years and don't think about it. I live each day as best I can and make the most out of life. I know that it will come back again but don't know when But am not going to let it ruin what time I have left to live as every day is a gift for anyone and we should think of it as such! Keep in touch and hope you have good news-if not, know that you are certainly not alone in this battle.

mabaker profile image
mabaker in reply to susandoyle54

Thank you so much for your very informative reply it has helped me a lot. With regards to the swelling on the left side of your abdomen, I have had a swelling there for some time and reported it on one occasion to my doctor, he appeared totally disinterested so I have not mentioned it since to anyone, but I will mention it now when I go to see my new doctor on Monday I also suffer from night sweats, when I told my previous doctor he said it was my age (I was 74 at the time) so I will also mention that as well. You know when you get to a certain age you worry in case they think you are just being silly, anyway my husband has insisted that I must tell them everything so I will now, having read your reply. My problem is (if it can be called a problem) that I have always been so fit and healthy all my life I am afraid of what they are going to tell me because I am so grateful for the wonderful health I have had, even now although I have these swellings I have no pain whatsoever and find it hard to believe that there is anything wrong. I must say I think that you are wonderful the way you have dealt with your illness and I am so pleased that you have been in remission for almost two years I am sure that with your attitude to life you will have many more happy years ahead of you. Thank you again so much, I have taken great comfort from your words and really don't feel quite so lost and will certainly keep in touch.

jonsmithh profile image

this lymphedema treatment help me a lot with a cure!: lymphedematreatment88.wordp...

mabaker profile image
mabaker in reply to jonsmithh

Thank you jon, I will look up the website that you suggest. All the scans so far are showing nothing abnormal but no one is telling me what is causing the swellings. I have one more scan to be done on my left side under my lower rib cage which could be my spleen, I think if this proves to be normal I shall just give up and put up with the swellings. Thank you so much for your advice.

Zimmer profile image
Zimmer in reply to mabaker

Hi. 10 years ago I felt 'unwell' all the time and almost thought I was a hypochondriac - I had been perfectly healthy and had been a workaholic all my life. So these constant visits to the doctor were awful. Eventually a small lump appeared on the side of my neck - much like a swollen glad - so I thought it was the beginning of a cold. It then grew very quickly to the size of an egg. Blood tests, scans and bone marrow biopsy did not show anything. As I am a traveller I ended up (luckily) at the Hosp for Tropical Deseases in London a the UCH. This proved negative but the Professor was going to a lymphoma meeting and took my slides with him to show to Professor Linch the top man on Lymphomas who immediately said it was NHL. I had 8 sessions over the next year of ChopR which was every day for three weeks and then a weeks off to recover. Eventually gong into remission. It took 6 years to re-appear and has done so twice more I have just finished a trial maintenance of three hours of chemo every three months for two years and I am still in remission. I was told that had it happened 5 years earlier I would have been dead because there was no known treatment. Of course it will return but we all have to die eventually and at 73 I have had a good life, especially travelling. I now have permission from Professor Linch that I can start again in 6 months so at the end of October I am off to India, Napal and Kathmandu again to visit friends I met when last there 10 years ago. If the NHL returns sobeit but I will never sit and wait for it - life is too short. Any doubts with local doctors asked to be referred to Prof Linch at UCH, London and they will soon sort it out and you will get better treatment - believe me. Wild horses would not drag me back locally and it takes me 2.5 hours each way for clinics. Make sure you join the Lymphoma Association or at least ring them. They are wonderful and have so much free material on all types of Lymphomas. I wish you good luck - stay strong. Life is for living, each day at a time. Regards Belle

Zimmer profile image

Hi. 10 years ago I felt 'unwell' all the time and almost thought I was a hypochondriac - I had been perfectly healthy and had been a workaholic all my life. So these constant visits to the doctor were awful. Eventually a small lump appeared on the side of my neck - much like a swollen glad - so I thought it was the beginning of a cold. It then grew very quickly to the size of an egg. Blood tests, scans and bone marrow biopsy did not show anything. As I am a traveller I ended up (luckily) at the Hosp for Tropical Deseases in London a the UCH. This proved negative but the Professor was going to a lymphoma meeting and took my slides with him to show to Professor Linch the top man on Lymphomas who immediately said it was NHL. I had 8 sessions over the next year of ChopR which was every day for three weeks and then a weeks off to recover. Eventually gong into remission. It took 6 years to re-appear and has done so twice more I have just finished a trial maintenance of three hours of chemo every three months for two years and I am still in remission. I was told that had it happened 5 years earlier I would have been dead because there was no known treatment. Of course it will return but we all have to die eventually and at 73 I have had a good life, especially travelling. I now have permission from Professor Linch that I can start again in 6 months so at the end of October I am off to India, Napal and Kathmandu again to visit friends I met when last there 10 years ago. If the NHL returns sobeit but I will never sit and wait for it - life is too short. Any doubts with local doctors asked to be referred to Prof Linch at UCH, London and they will soon sort it out and you will get better treatment - believe me. Wild horses would not drag me back locally and it takes me 2.5 hours each way for clinics. Make sure you join the Lymphoma Association or at least ring them. They are wonderful and have so much free material on all types of Lymphomas. I wish you good luck - stay strong. Life is for living, each day at a time. Regards Belle

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mabaker profile image
mabaker in reply to Zimmer

Thank you so much for your wonderful reply, like you I have been fit and healthy all my life, I have diverticular disease which gives me no trouble at all I don't even have to diet and also I have a thyroid problem, but the latter is the only thing I take any medication for. I have never been one for visiting the doctor until recently and I seem to be having all these scans (another one due on my lower left ribcage on the 21st Jan) and getting nowhere and in fact wondering if these swellings are my imagination, having said that the doctor agrees that the swellings need further investigation as she does not know the cause. So far the scans have shown nothing unusual I am really at my wit's end. Your reply has really helped me no end and I will do as you suggest pending the outcome of this next scan. I am 76 years old but again like you I have always been very active and still am. Once again thank you, I wish you all the very best, have a brilliant time in India, as you say life is for living. Regards Pat

susandoyle54 profile image

My Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma in my case was diagnosed by swelling in my abdomen & then was confirmed by Blood tests. I was diagnosed with stage 5 & found that it had started in my spleen & that was why the swelling. I was admitted to hospital within 3 days of diagnosis & had a year of CHOP chemo. This was 4 years ago. Before diagnosis, I had severe night sweats & had lost over 10 lbs within a month. Then went through all testing, scans, etc. I am well for now but have been told that it will probably return & have been given max 10 to 15 years to live.

Anyways, I don't dwell on it & enjoy my life for now. I hope that you will find with all tests, that you don't have this. I will pray for a quick diagnosis. Keep in touch.

Msmerryc profile image
Msmerryc in reply to susandoyle54

I like your attitude so much. After a month of tears after diagnosis, I have adopted the same. Will do all I can to beat this but it still in a higher powers hands. Prayers can make a difference and I appreciate all I can get!!!

MadCatLady1 profile image

I have been feeling unwell for some time. It started with light fevers and a lump in my neck. Most of my experience with doctors has been awful. Just trying to get them to take what I was saying serious has been a battle in itself. One doctor said the lump in my neck was unspectacular and I was over reacting. I changed my doctors because I started getting pain in my left side, hip and groin. I am currently waiting for a CT scan because the doctor could feel my spleen is enlarged and the lump in my neck is the size of a large marble. Apparently not unspectacular. It's comforting to hear that I am not alone, that others have had the same experience. I have honestly felt crazy these last 9 months. I could feel my health getting worse but the doctor was basically calling me a liar. My new doctor is amazing and acted straight away

Msmerryc profile image

I had a biopsy, surgery and Pet Scan before diagnosis.

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