Introduce yourself to the community here - Lymphoma Canada

Lymphoma Canada

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Introduce yourself to the community here

10 Replies

Why not introduce yourself to the rest of the community? Say hello and maybe

share something interesting about yourself by commenting below. Alternatively, you

can introduce yourself in your own blog post.


10 Replies
Tinkerbellcgy profile image

Hi everyone.

I'm Tink and I have cancer albeit in remission. Doesn't this sound like the start of a 12 step program? LOL

I live in Calgary and all my treatments for my double lymphoma are administered at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. TBCC is a facility that is fortunate in that it attracts some of the best oncologists and other specilaity physicians from around the world.

I have gone through my life as a solo and enjoy quiet pastimes such as reading, crosswords, internet forums and gardening. Ahhh......gardening.....I wasn't able to garden during the spring, summer and fall of 2012 because I was preparing for, undergoing and then recuperating from an auto blood stem cell transplant. This coming growing season I will definitely make up for what I wasn't able to do last year.

I have decided to volunteer as peer support / cancer connection with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Alberta as well as the Canadian Cancer Society, Alberta/NWT Chapter. I am waiting to hear when training will begin and I am so looking forward to being that shoulder to lean on for those newly diagnosed lymphoma patients. I had an excellent peer support person and I can only hope that I will be of as much benefit to others as she was to me.

If there was one quality that others use to describe my personality it would be "she's got a wicked sense of humour". That humour has carried me through some very difficult and harrowing times and I am thankful that it was bestowed on me. I sure put it to good use!


LCAdmin profile image
LCAdminAdministratorLymphoma Canada in reply to Tinkerbellcgy

Welcome to the community Tink.

It is always good to have someone with a wonderful sense of humor in the community. Your introduction was great. It’s awesome that you are so interested in providing support to newly diagnosed patients.

There are a couple events coming up that might interest you.

Living With Lymphoma (Tom Baker Cancer Centre) - Friday, April 12, 2013 from 1:30-5:30pm

Stem Cell Transplant Google+ Hangout event- Friday , April 26, 2013 from 3:00pm-4:00pm

If you want to learn more about the Google+ Hangout, check out the first hangout that took place in February.

Have a great weekend Tink.

Tinkerbellcgy profile image
Tinkerbellcgy in reply to LCAdmin

I just noticed your reply today...May 11, 2013. I was able to attend until intermission time, the Living with Lymphoma Seminar at the Tom Baker and, as usual, enjoyed it very much. I do wish that I could have stayed for the second half as there was a talk on stem cell transplants which I am sure would have been a fabulous talk.

As for the Stem Cell Transplant Good+ Hangout, obviously I was about two weeks too late for that one.

LCAdmin profile image
LCAdminAdministratorLymphoma Canada in reply to Tinkerbellcgy

I'm glad you were able to attend the Calgary event. I'm sorry that you were not able to attend the second session on Stem Cell Transplants but you can still view the Stem Cell Transplant Hangout on our YouTube page. We would love you hear your feedback on the Hangout.

We are so happy you are a part of this community. We hope that next time there is an event in Calgary, we will have the opportunity to meet with you.

Tinkerbellcgy profile image
Tinkerbellcgy in reply to LCAdmin

I just finished viewing the Hangout. I have to be honest in that I fast-forwarded through Dr. Pike's presentation because I prefer to read the dialogue and look at the charts / diagrams as opposed to listening to presentations.

Greg's presentation was interesting in that it could almost be considered "pioneer treatment" back then. While his experience is 11 years old there are some similarities and some differences in transplantation from his transplant 11 years ago and my transplant 1 year ago. The basis of transplant is primarily the same but new drugs, new ways of patient treatment, etc. have evolved over time. Some of those differences may have to do with treatment in Ontario vs. Alberta - I don't know.

I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you next time there is an event in Calgary. Please get in touch with me if and when you are next in Calgary and I will do my very best to meet up with you.

A very warm welcome to you, Tink! Thanks for introducing yourself :)

Hopefully your sense of humor will be enjoyed by many more people who join this community as it continues to grow (since at the moment it is just getting started!). Also, I hope this season you will be able to enjoy the fresh air whilst gardening.

All the very best to you.

jollymommy profile image


My husband Just got diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma, we know its only in the one area and it hasn't spread to other Organs, waiting to hear when we will meet with a Hemotologist? He is 42.

I am a stay at home mom to 4 kids,

thank you

Tinkerbellcgy profile image
Tinkerbellcgy in reply to jollymommy

A warm welcome, jollymommy. WOW! 4 kids and a husband with lymphoma. You muist be a high energy person. I just know you will be the rock that your husband can lean on. If I can provide any help / assistance / information / or an ear to listen, all you need to is ask.

jollymommy profile image
jollymommy in reply to Tinkerbellcgy

hi, thank you, No so Not high energy haa haa, Just like Kids i guess.....

Nice to meet you, Thank you Very much!!!

Cornelia2014 profile image

Hello. Lorenzo`s Oil. Yeah, search and you may find.

Not what you're looking for?