Well i must say that i hav dropped EVERYTHING i h... - LUPUS UK


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Well i must say that i hav dropped EVERYTHING i hav picked up today........ Will this get better or is this me for ever.... Uzi

uzi41 profile image
30 Replies
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uzi41 profile image
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30 Replies
Misty007 profile image

Hello... I am currently in the process of diagnosis after 6 years!... So I cant answer your question... I drop things all the time through tremors and muscle weakness - you should see the screen on my last phone - shattered!

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to Misty007

Yeh i do that too, my new phone spends more time on the floor, mine i think is muscle weakness too had it for years but last 6 months has got worse... Thanx .. Uzi.. Xxx

Misty007 profile image
Misty007 in reply to uzi41

Have you ever been tested for vitamin d3 deficiency? x

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to Misty007

Yes am on vit d.....hope it will kick in soon...xxxx

Misty007 profile image
Misty007 in reply to uzi41

Me too! Just wonder if its why we all have weakness - expecially when it comes to dropping things! I hope it kicks in for you soon too! :-).

Sher78 profile image

Bless u. Of course it will my darling.

I tend 2 pick things up, hold things, carry thing differently now because of the totally crapness of my body lol! I tend 2 'cradle' things more so now or just look like a complete pleb when everything just 'gives way' ;) Big hugs 2 u my lovely x

Misty007 profile image
Misty007 in reply to Sher78

Hi Sher78, If this is a symptom of Lupus - do you know why it happens? x

uzi41 profile image

Hi Sher78, i hav noticed that i am holding and pickin up things differently, not by choice. My grip seems to be gone... Thanx again....i feel reasured..xxx

Sher78 profile image
Sher78 in reply to uzi41

I know it's awful but I think it's funny how we subconsciously adapt sometimes! It gives me hope that something somewhere inside me is working the way it should be lol!

It's so funny cos a nurse over heard me talking 2 some1 the other day about how crap my hands & wrists were now & that my grip was about as good as a chocolate fireguard & she piped up saying it sounded like I had carpal tunnel & they could do an op that would sort me right out! I couldn't help but laugh histerically. I know she was only trying 2 help bless her but people r so assuming sometimes x

uzi41 profile image

Thanx for the support...gives me hope that its not only me...just need to make clear to those around me..xxx .hugs to u... Uzi.x

caninecrazy profile image

im the same,i can pick up the same item 3 or 4 times before ive actually got a grip on it,had it since 2005,my left hand worse so i compensate with my right hand! lol.

i clean around a dragon ornament (not valuable just sentimental) and its heavy so now it has a "dust felt mat" that sits under it as it hasnt moved in 5years BUT its HIGH up on a cabinet so no one see's it but me!!! lol x

o ment to say,nowt to do with carpol tunnel as had mine done and im same

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to caninecrazy

Its sad i know, makes me very upset at times, but u know gets me out of housework....take care.. Uzi.xx

Misty007 profile image
Misty007 in reply to caninecrazy

Uzi and Caninecrazy... Looks like we have a good anti housework defense lol!... I am frustrated at everything at home is getting way out of hand :-(. Dont worry about the ornament... we cant see it either! hehe x

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to Misty007

What price to pay for avoiding housework... Take care.. Uzi..xx

Misty007 profile image

I know Uzi... Trying to look at it laugh at myself but feeling v down today. x

uzi41 profile image

Chin up sweetie this is why we are all here for each other...xx .. Uzi..xx

Misty007 profile image
Misty007 in reply to uzi41

Thank you and hugs x

littleunicorn profile image

I've just this minute poured boiling water all over my hand as I couldn't grip the kettle whilst making a cup of tea! Sad thing is it has kind of distracted me from the pain in my hands and wrists, lol....trying to stay positive :-)

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to littleunicorn

Oohhh hope u r ok.... How ironic one pain can be worse or better than another, know that feeling all to well. Sometimes its not only the pain but the numbness or finger locking and i was just thinking to myself EVERYTHING is done with our hands and i cant lose this... Thanx and take care, keep safe... Hugs to u... Uzi.. xx

twist1 profile image

Ouch that sounds awful If it keeps happening look at getting a safety kettle tipper if you search online you will find examples. Has to be worth it, who needs more pain!!!!!

twist1 profile image

Hi Uzi, I had something similar which is tremors in my hands. One day to cheer myself up I tried to make some chocolate and nut croissants. The pastry shaping went ok, the chocolate went on ok but when it came to shaking the nuts on, my hand started to tremor, so the pastries and the entire kitchen counter was covered in nuts. I just couldn't stop it. Lol

Maybe we should start a line of products that bounce lol!!!!! only trouble is we probably couldn't catch them on the rebound lol. Either that crash mat carpets so it doesn't break when we drop it lol.

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to twist1

I like the boucing product idea, i have not had tremors but thinking that i have gripped something but havnt really. I remember about a year ago during my monthly periods i would break cups and plates nearly everday, now its all the time, it means i can go buy more crockery which i love to do, but doesnt solve my poblem. I also make my own greeting cards and cant even trust myself to cut a straight line using the blade... Anyway thanx for your support... Uzi..xxxx

Voutton profile image

I hope that I can give you some light at the end of the tunnel. I went through a very bad time after the birth of my second son I dropped everything I couldn't even lift my baby he was laced in my arms for feeding and everything I did for him was done on the floor or or on the sofa . It will get better for you but with everything else with Lupus it takes its own time .Yes I still drop things and lose the power in my hands but not every second of the day. So take heart and know that these little white cells will move on to something else hopefully after giving you a good time while they rest .Take care and know you are not alone

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to Voutton

Thank you this was very reassuring..... Means alot to know there people who understand what i am goin through...thanx..big hugs.. Uzi..xx

Coppernob profile image

Oh I sooooooo know how frustrating this is - do it all the time. Think a lot of it is to do with lack of moisture in the skin, and therefore no adhesion. Also lack of communication between brain and rest of body.

My other, related, major frustration is astonishing absent-mindedness. Won't bore you with the details (to do with forgetting to bring foodstuffs back from partner's house to mine this morning - food planning now shot to pieces) but got so angry I rushed to the cupboard to get out the clexane syringes. Have been holding off on doing a 2-3 week trial for various reasons but suddenly thought DAMMIT this has got to STOP! So I'll try it and see. Prof K says if it's going to work, effects are pretty instant so I should have a clue within a week.

Don't know if it'll stop me dropping things tho! But one problem minimised would be a blessing and a half!

You're certainly not alone Uzi!

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to Coppernob

Thank u and i can say my brain connects less and less to the rest of me...

Thanx for support and good luck with your trial...xxx . Uzi..xx

I have noticed that my dexterity is not as good as it was. I have reasoned that it was due to lack of activity with the need to stay in the warm through this never ending winter. I have determined to attempt more in the way of exercise if the weather ever improves.

I am hoping that it will have a positive impact. But i wont know for sure until I try.

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to overnighthearingloss

the weather warming up would make a huge differance to my joints.... this might be wishful thinking, take care and thank you. Uzi..xx

jennywren444 profile image

I get this all the time, it seems to be neurological as much as anything else, like my brain just randomly tells my body to throw things around the place. Or maybe it's all the frustration coming out... lol. x

uzi41 profile image
uzi41 in reply to jennywren444

That's true one minute the brain is saying drop it and then why did you do that. . There is no winning. .Thanks. .take care. ... Uzi..xxx

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