Haven't had any contact from rheumatologist since I saw him last December. I would have normally seen him in June, but haven't heard anything from the hospital regarding any appointments. Is anyone else having the same problem?
Haven't had any contact from rheumatologist since I saw him last December. I would have normally seen him in June, but haven't heard anything from the hospital regarding any appointments. Is anyone else having the same problem?
Hi, last saw my consultant in October, then had a registrar call me in May as my April appointment was cancelled. Received a letter a month ago to say I had my next appointment in November only to receive another letter on Saturday to say it’s cancelled with no appointments available now as the Health Service are planning for Covid-19.
I last saw my consultant in January, and since then my July appointment was cancelled and then rescheduled for September and now it’s to be a telephone appointment today.
I’ll keep you informed as to whether this happens.
Yes, was due a review in March. I spoke with the Lupus Nurse in August who said that appointments were starting again but I have heard nothing. Guess now it will be delayed for a few more months.
Hi yes I am the same should have been seen in first half of year, but due to covid I didn,t. Am desperate for am appointment so contacted rheumatologist last month directly and she told me they were being allowed to see a limited number of patients face to face in September and she would put me in the first few of these. However I haven’t heard anything . May try and message her again to see what situation is .
Last saw my rheumatologist in January but have been able to use a telephone help line supported by clinical nurse specialists to access advice/help./or doctor call back for a change in treatment. Can you access a similar help line?
I saw mine 2 weeks ago.
I have an appointment coming up October 1st (a week tomorrow) just checked the letter dated end of march and there's no mention of it being a telephone appointment. I've half expected another letter making it a phone call app but not had one as yet.
I had a phone app booked for march this year but asked to go in to see the doc as I was concerned about swelling in one leg, so I saw a rheumatologist then. The letter for october must have come out very soon after that.
We're living with such uncertainty at the moment. My renal checks have been by phone with me going to my gp for blood tests. I expected rheumy to phone as well at least for this year.
If I were you Cal66 I'd get in touch and find out when you will be seen if only to put your mind at rest.
Thanks, yes I agree that it may be time to phone now. Since this virus & having to shield, though told not to now, even though I have had flares I have lost my confidence in phoning the doctors or going to appointments. I keep thinking that they will either fob me off or that I am exaggerating. especially with as my rheumatologist. He just looks at my lists of problems, talks about trying me on other medications, takes my bloods & says see you in 4 months & doesn't give me any new meds & I plod on again.