Going from full time teacher to disability.... Ha... - LUPUS UK


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Going from full time teacher to disability.... Having a very hard time losing my career which I only did for 9 years. Anyone relate?

Reinke profile image
8 Replies
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Reinke profile image
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8 Replies
luppychick profile image

I spent 16 years working in the best job I ever had. I had to retire at 47 due to ill health my lupus took my looks my figure and now my job. I was angry at first, but my family made me see that when I was working I had much more hospital visits then, now I haven't been hospitalised since my Retirement I never saw my family side I just saw the fight to keep my job. They made me see that staying alive was much better than working myself into an early grave yes dramatic but effective now I concentrate on my health not my deadlines or office politics.you made the right choice sweetie the right choice.

Healing hugs and I hope this helped Luppychick x

Slowmo profile image

Luppychick answered this perfectly, I took medical retirement this year aged 45, like yourself Reinke I was gutted and found it hard to come to terms with, but on reflection know it was the right thing for me to do. I'd been long term sick for many months prior to this and having met with occ health on many occasions it seemed to be the only suitable outcome.

Also, it means my family aren't quite so worried as like luppychick I hadn't reallised the impact it was having on them too, and I know it's easier said than done but our health has to come first.

All the best.

mstr profile image

Hi, can totally totally relate Reinke........it's tough changing lifestyles, career (that we worked hard to train for), friends at work, status, money, vocation (if we loved our jobs). I had to give up as a children's social worker....a role that I loved and felt had meaning. It's taken two years to come to terms with this and to reach 'acceptance'. Now I do four hours in my local Herriot Hospice charity shop each week. I had to cancel today as I took a flare up. But they are understanding and I still feel I am giving back to society (in my small way as I am still a small cog in a big organisation that is helping people who need hospice care. There will be something out there for you........... sending a hug xx

jayfer profile image

hi, can totally understand too. After raising my children as a single parent, very independent, I carefully planned the big 50 and empty nest. I found my perfect job as review officer for adults with learning disabilities and part time youth worker to pay for my little boat on the canals. 1 year later it all went with a bang, lost all, and almost lost my home too. It is taking longer to come to terms with it as 5 yrs later I am still fighting for pension through ill health- I did get preserved benefits pension which did stop me losing my home. I am finally going out again socially during the day and can see an end to my fight as ombudsman now looking into my case. Win or lose it will give closure so iintend 2014 a new start. Hope you come to terms soon with your loss. Plus side I now have 4 beautiful grandchildren I can spend quality time with :)

Reinke profile image

Wow!! You are all so encouraging and responsive. I'm also part of the site "wehavelupus.org". Also supportive, but not as much feedback and responses!!!! Thankyou!!!!!

It is a real hit on my pride but I will be the first to admit that I am so thankful everyday I wake up that I don't have to struggle through work. I desperately wanted to make it to 10 years... Both for pride, personal satisfaction and to get to my top pay so I would be better off financially on long term disability. I am in Canada and we have an amazing ltd system for teachers. I am so blessed.... I'm not on it yet. I will prob have to appeal and fight, but I don't have a choice. The job was going to kill me I think.... Just like what was said by luppychick!!!

Thanks so much again!!!!!

Tonkawoman69 profile image

Hi all,

Reinke I am a full time primary teacher in UK. I have been off my full time teaching job since September 2012. I did try to venture back in January 2013 but lasted two weeks. I have a multiple of health Issues. I don't have Lupus yet but have tested positive for the inhibitors. I do have APS which is anti phospholipid syndrome. I have gyni issues and also being investigated for Thyroid and neurological issues. So have a buy 1 get 5 free at moment. I have worked in education since 1997 and finally became a teacher in 2005. I had time off to have my little one between now and then. ive had a few stressfull moments working as a teacher , had a few challenging classes and put some odd symptoms down to that but in 2012 started bleeding and thought I was having a miscarriage , long story but wasn't baby just body on haywire they tried to prevent the continuious bleeding without any luck and I had a hysterectomy in September 2012. 2 Weeks after that I had a blood clot in arm. Loads of gyni complications and weird symptoms until I was diagnosed with APS in May 2013. Since then Ive still got loads of gyni issues and neurological. To get to the point of going round the houses. I think if you do have a caring nature or you work in an industry like education or working with children or you have a conscience then you will always feel that guilt or that you are letting your team down or the kids. Its very hard I fewlt guity all the time. I would cry and get emotional. I still feel upset sometimes and my emotions get the better of me. But I had to just think about my health. It was out of my control and there is not a lot I can do without the assistance of the medical team. I do get upset and stressed awaiting support from the medical teams. I just had to keep saying its out of my hands and there is nothing I can do about this as the time continued and things got worse I have to think positive that we will get there in the end. I now just try to do my best and even though my job is hanging by a thread I know beginning of next year I will be out of a job. We are struggling financially but maybe somewhere , someone made these choices and now I have to follow a path which I am not sure what path to choose. But recovery is the important or at least an adjustment to my life to make it better.

I hope that helps.

You would have never wished this illness on anyone and you certainly wouldn't have chose it so there is not a lot you can do other than try to do the best you can with the things you know and the right medical support. Don't feel down your only human you will feel down and guilt as its like your path has been chosen for you to follow and I believe everything happens for a reason. What it is I don't know? If only we had a magic ball????

TC Andrea x

jakenney profile image

I had to leave my full time job as well, and now do consulting as well as pursuing my dream of writing fiction. I try to look at it as a chance to do the things I wanted to do...but it is hard and stressful with my family since my income was slashed dramatically.

Reinke profile image

Thank you everyone for sharing!!!!!!

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