Hi all,I'm going through diagnosis at the moment for lupus/multi connective tissue disease and been put on hydroxychloroquine. I have a lot of worse symptoms, but one thing I just want to ask is if anyone has any tips for sores in the nose. Even though all my other symptoms are worse, this has been there months and its soo sore all the time. I was looking at nasel sprays but I'm not sure if there's anything better. 🤔
Nose Sores: Hi all,I'm going through... - LUpus Patients Un...
Nose Sores

Welcome and I hope you will find this a safe space.
These sores are most uncomfortable. There’s little to stop them but your GP/primary care physician can prescribe some cream to ease the symptoms. Always ask your physician!
These tests and diagnoses can seem endless. Whether the diagnosis is SLE or MCTD it doesn’t matter. You will be treated as if it was SLE.
Depending where you live, you may have a local support team near you.
Please stay in touch and I am sorry I can’t be more helpful.
With good wishes,
Thank you soo much for your reply. I will look into it. I'm sure I'll get there with things. It's coping with all the symptoms, little things like my nails, they've disintegrated. It's embarrassing, I try wear gloves. Doubt I'll get away with it in summer lol. Thank u 😀
Natalie, my nails have been dreadful for years! All I can advise is this: you have not changed inside! Enjoy each day! Enjoy life! Your nails don’t represent who you are. Those who love you really don’t care about your nails. They care about you!
This isn’t to say you won’t have “bad” days or feel depressed. If you do - and I do - talk to your best friend, partner or here! You aren’t alone!
With good wishes,
too had nasal sores for years and years, I found good old Vaseline, up each nostril after you blow your nose helps, a couple of months ago they vanished completely xxI
Hi NatalieMaiI hope to find everyone doing well, or as well as can be expected. When I read this about the nose sores I knew exactly how you felt. For the past year or so I have had scabbing and bleeding in my nose, every day, pain so bad could barely blow my nose. I have tried sprays and cleaning out my nose constantly, and yes, as some have suggested Vaseline.
Well I was sitting here thinking there's got to be something after
all there's something for everything, right. So here is what I have found this past week. ALOVERA PLANT, good for so much. I used a Q-tip and rubbed the juice into my nose. So much relief. Next morning I could blow my nose without extreme pain and just with one use. I put it in before I went to sleep. So now I've started using it every day throughout the day and at night before bed. It's being 2 days and so far so good. It seems to be healing. 🌞
How are you fairing? Have you asked for a steroid cream? For inside the nose, saline rinses like NeilMed might help dry them out.