I am an APS triple positive patient and wondering now if i may have more to my list of Dia. problems than the 25 i have now ?? i shall keep an eye on this site as of now - i am following as of now . Thanks to all
Jet & Casey
I am an APS triple positive patient and wondering now if i may have more to my list of Dia. problems than the 25 i have now ?? i shall keep an eye on this site as of now - i am following as of now . Thanks to all
Jet & Casey
Welcome to LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS) at HealthUnlocked.
We also have another website called the LuPUS Message Board where you can also post questions and talk to other people. Registration is FREE and we offer free information and free online psychological support. We specialise in psychological support with our own counsellor/psychotherapist available.
By becoming a Member, you will have access to the private forums and because they are private, only Members have access and even bots and search engines are forbidden.
Please use the following to complete the Date of Birth entry: nn-nn-nnnn where n=number. Thus, if your birthday is 5th May 1968, enter: 05-05-1968. Use the “-“ separator and not the “/“.
Finally, please go to: lupus-support.org/ and Sign Up.
I look forward to talking with you more!
Sometimes we need to talk to people who understand and who are not family or friends.
With good wishes!
Disclaimer: No attempt is made to diagnose or to make any medical judgement. You are advised to seek the advice from your own physician. LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS) is not a substitute for your own doctor.
I guess the next step would be an ANA test to be done again .Having some sores that are being very reluctant to heal -i use mt betamethasone Dipropionate cream @ 0.05 percent cream and leave it covered for 8 to 10 hours at a time - it has been helping but don't know if it is going to heal it ??