Is there a way to convert units/mL to a titration like 1:320, 1:640, etc? My last ANA was given in units and it looks high.
Thanks for any clues,
Is there a way to convert units/mL to a titration like 1:320, 1:640, etc? My last ANA was given in units and it looks high.
Thanks for any clues,
Each laboratory has its own way of testing. I have written about ANA tests here and their meaning.
Only your consultant can interpret the results as one factor in the process of making a diagnosis of SLE. There are even patients who are zero-negative and have SLE. Conversely, there are healthy people with a positive ANA, who don’t have SLE!
The most important thing is to have a SLE specialist as not all rheumatologists treat people with lupus.
With good wishes,