I am a 72 yr old female. Recently, dx w/lupus. Had a rash for a couple of yrs that my primary said was an allergy. My eye MD wanted me to see an allergist immediately. He dx the lupus. No information given and what I have learned I learned by looking up lupus with hallucinations, stage 3 Kidney disease, dx yrs ago with fibromyalgia. Symptoms started in my 20's. Pushed my self as an RN until I was 65. Went on the disability. Fatigue was overwhelming and so was the pain. My ribs hurt in my 20's, pain that rotated and confused MD"s giving me a dx of hypochondriac. Everything hurt, but in different places. One time it would be the left side then the right side. Now my bladder hurts and I have RBC & WBC's, but cultures show no infection. I bought some AZO that says urinary pain relief. It works. It says not to take more than 2 days w/o seeing a doctor. I think it is like puridion ? that turns your urine orange. AZO does also. I have not had any black outs w/hallucinations for over a yr. Thank God. I had hallucinations while awake also. The black outs were the worse. One time I thought I was John Wayne and that a bomb was in a school and I was the only one that could save the kids. I ran up and down the hospital hallway yelling Allah, Allah. I did not remember a thing, the nurse told me laughing her head off. But then they did send in two far eastern looking ladies asking me why I was yelling Allah. I thought it was a trick and was afraid to answer. finally I said in a low voice, but determined. I could never hurt a child. They smiled and left the room. What an odd experience that was. Other times. know one would tell me except to say, I wasn't myself and acted odd. And off I would go to the psych ward again. I am glad to be done with that for a yr now.