Maria ( ) said:
My name is Maria Mongiardo and I am the senior writer at LupusChick 501c3 based in New York. In addition, I am a student researcher at Clark University. While I don't have Lupus, I have a heart for Lupus patients and have spent the past year working on a proposal to secure a LEEP Grant that would help me research Lupus patients and understand what their needs are and what they feel is lacking in treatment for their disease.
Once I secured the grant, I created the following survey:
under Clark University and LupusChick 501c3.
The results will be graphed in July and we plan to release the findings via our website, white paper, press release, etc.
I would like to kindly ask you to please share our survey link with your lupus followers as you have a great Lupus page and I believe their input would be vital.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions about the survey, which is anonymous - no one would have to enter any personal identifying information. We believe this could be a great source of information to better understand that is lacking in the education of and treatment of Lupus patients.
Thank you and if you could please pass along this message that would be wonderful!