I have SLE and APS. Hi I had an ablation done in August due to heavy periods as I'm on warfarin. For the sept, oct and Nov periods they were much reduced lasting 3-4 days. This month it has lasted 7 days so far (I thought I had finished after 4 days but then it came back) I'm a little worried. Has anybody had a similar experience?
Warfarin, APS and periods: I have SLE... - LUpus Patients Un...
Warfarin, APS and periods
I can understand your being anxious about your bleeding, but only your doctor will be able to alleviate any anxiety.
IMHO, you should contact your gynaecologist who organised your ablation. You should also check your INR levels and if necessary contact your lupus specialist if your INR are incorrect.
Please let me know how you get on. I have also sent you a private message.
With good wishes,
Hi I too have Sle then after stroke at 40 was diagnosed with Aps was put on warfarin June 2014 2 months later I had non stop ridiculous bleeding , in dec 2014 I had an ablation and for next few months a few days a month slight bleed dobt need any protection sometimes 7days of very slight bleed, now not really anything still get all symtoms of one , was told it can take 6 months for uterus to heal, good Luck , nurses also said warfarin had nothing to do with bleeding just my age and a coincidence but I dont agree xxx
How are you doing Clhil? I always believe that patients know their own bodies better than nurses or doctors. If you are interested, we do have another website where yo can find further information and discuss anything you feel is important.
We specialise in psychological support. Recently, an article was published complaining that lupus specialist do not receive psychological support as part of their overall care. LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS) was established in 2000 for that very purpose.
If you are interested, let me know - all our services are free! There is no obligation needed from you other than having another resource should you need it.
With good wishes,
I have been given two types of antibiotics incase it's an infection. I've also been given an appointment (11th January) to see the gynacologist who performed my first (hopefully only) ablation