Can a person completely recover? - Lung Cancer Support

Lung Cancer Support

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Can a person completely recover?

Chase888 profile image
17 Replies

My friend has had a year of chemotherapy.

He is eating ok but has anyone know anyone who has recovered?

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Chase888 profile image
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17 Replies
Denzie profile image

I'm 10.5+ years into life with stage 4 lung cancer. I've not had any treatment since my original chemotherapy and radiation in 2010.

In cancer we are told that we will find our 'new normal'. We don't always regain our full strength or endurance but we find ways to work with limitations we might develop. In many ways I find I am a much stronger person than I ever was.

Jando2021 profile image
Jando2021 in reply to Denzie

Hi Denzie, did you have a tumor on the lung, if so was it big? How long did you have treatment for?

Denzie profile image
DenzieModeratorVolunteer in reply to Jando2021

My largest tumor was in my left lower lobe. It was 13cm x 9cm x11cm. I had four rounds of Cisplatin and Etopicide with concurrent radiation 33 treatments.

Day one (Monday) of a cycle I had the Cisplatin/Etopicide, days 2-5 I just had etopiside. Day 8 (Monday again) I had both Chemo drugs.

Radiation was Monday through Friday for six and a half weeks.

The chemo had to be postponed a week three times because my platelet levels were low. Once I had a week break and they came back up, twice I required transfusions when they hadn't come up far enough after a week.

The treatment I had has been modified since 2010 because the found they could get better results with longer lasting results by adding newer drug options and immunotherapy.

JanetteR57 profile image

My diagnosis was in Jan 2011 and I've had no treatment since my surgery to remove the 7cm tumour (adenocarcinoma)and half my left lung. I've been involved in lung cancer research since 2014 and met patients who've survived 24+ years on chemo/radiotherapy or surgery and in recent years met several who've survived 5-6 years on newer treatments so YES, it's more than possible to recover. None of the stages is a zero sum game- there are survivors in every category especially in non small cell lung cancer now there are so many treatment options in use and being developed. I agree with Denzie, I've come to appreciate life in a more fulfilling way than before my diagnosis and met some wonderful people since becoming more involved in health research as a result. I also improved my fitness (I was already fit) considerably the levels I had pre surgery. hope this helps.

Chase888 profile image
Chase888 in reply to JanetteR57

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

Kevin says he has no energy and would be happy to die. He is 59.

I phoned him and said I could do his shopping and was surprised when he said he was driving.

Lulu9 profile image

Hi, I have been on this site for a couple of years, always read but never comment I am today, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer just over 2 years ago. Had chemotherapy and immunotherapy, last week my oncologist told me my cancer had gone to sleep, very emotional. There is no cure for this cancer but maybe this has given me a bit longer, she told me to go and get on with my life. I realise it can come back, but they wil. So good luck doing regular scans blood etc. I have had the besttreatment ever,

Denzie profile image
DenzieModeratorVolunteer in reply to Lulu9

THANK YOU! Sharing your story will bring hope to soooooo many! Congratulations on this excellent outcome.

Chase888 profile image
Chase888 in reply to Lulu9

Thank you Lulu.How long did you feel weak?

Kevin says he has no energy but when I phoned he was driving and he eats ok.

We are not a couple. He was my late boyfriends best friend and we keep in touch.

Lulu9 profile image
Lulu9 in reply to Chase888

I still feel very fatigued, but I pace myself now, used to try and do everything, the chemothedoes your epy gave me an underactive thyroid which I take medication for, does your friend have a nurse he can talk to, I have wonderful McMillan nurses and a brilliant oncologist.

Chase888 profile image
Chase888 in reply to Lulu9

Yes Lulu. I phoned Macmillan nurses and they said he qualifies for help from social services.

I told Kevin but he hasn't called anyone. I don't have the health to do more. I offered to do shopping and clean his flat.

I just spoke to him and said he could come up for dinner one night.

Lulu9 profile image
Lulu9 in reply to Chase888

He is entitled to help, I get attendance allowance so I can pay for a cleaner, obviously I dont know his financial situation.. he is so young also I get depressed , are there any cancer charities near you other than McMillan, before lockdown I was going to a centre free massage and reflexology, wonderful. But people have to help themselves, I wish you all the best you need to look after yourself.

Chase888 profile image
Chase888 in reply to Lulu9

Thank you again. I cannot phone social services because the phone call has to come from him.

I would be grateful if I qualified for a cleaner.

I don't need one now, fingers crossed.

How are you feeling?

Ncpoet profile image

I am a 8 year survivor of stage 4 NSC adenocarcinoma. Ended active treatment in January of 2016. No evidence of cancer as I continue to live my life. There is always the threat of the cancer returning , but you can’t live your life worrying about the future. Joy, hope, faith and a strong dose of daily laughter fill all my days.

Chase888 profile image
Chase888 in reply to Ncpoet

How long before you got your energy back?

Kevin had the chemotherapy. It's been about 15months now.

Ncpoet profile image
Ncpoet in reply to Chase888

That is a hard question to answer. I had Sjogren’s Syndrome and Fibromyalgia before the cancer and fatigue is one of the symptoms I was already dealing with. Right now, despite my recent diagnosis of breast cancer, not related to the lung cancer, I have more energy than last year. I think the pandemic slowed everyone down. My energy level is no worse than what I had before the cancer. I walk my dog daily and enjoy getting outside. Tell your friend not to give up. Sounds like he is getting out more and that is great. One day at a time!

JanetteR57 profile image

If we're not careful our minds can send us in a downward spiral. I was shocked recently to learn that my 91 year old dad who's had 3 lots of bowel cancer has been worrying himself silly about a lung nodule that was detected on a follow up CT scan for his bowel cancer some years ago and every year believes it will kill him... he who has fought so much with radical treatment for his colorectal cancers is more frightened of a pulmonary nodule (most of which do not develop into anything sinister any more than most people's moles on their skin develop into skin cancer) but clearly his fear and outdated knowledge of lung cancer from people he knew years ago is colouring his judgement. Although it probably seems strange and I remember thinking this when I heard a lady speak who'd lost both her legs in the London bombings but gone onto play sitting basketball for the country that our lives can change in unimaginable ways at any time but how we approach that change can be the making or breaking of us... I certainly look on my diagnosis and treatment as an opportunity to make the most of life however long or short it turns out to be. maybe he'd benefit from some counselling... I found it helped me no end... good luck. x

judg69 profile image

9 years post IIIA/IIIB Iung cancer diagnosis, followed by maximum radiation, 2 years chemo and a lobectomy of my top right lobe. Now 70 years old. Simple advice, heed the medical advice and get on with your life as there are a fair number on this blog who have their own miraculous stories. Stay Positive! All Best Wishes, judg69

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