Hello all! I know this post may not be related but I have been worried. My mom has been doing great, quick update. Hopefully going to the oncologist soon. Only thing has been cough after her surgery and runny noses but she has been fine.
My concern has been my 11 year old sister. For months now she has been eating less. She does eat, but she eats her cravings. She eats cereal, cakes, chips, and just junk food. She says she is scared to vomit at night and has left food with dairy and she is so cautious. She gets anxiety and panic attacks even more when my mom came out of the hospital. She looks thin, even though she has been the same weight for a while. She is pretty active and is never tired which I guess is good.
I am just worried because she has a lymph node on her right side of the neck. It is not big, it is fairly small. But I worry about everything now. I do have health anxiety so bare with me. When she was 8, doctors saw active tb and gave her medicine. She had 2 swollen lymph nodes back then. Now it is only one and it is small. But it never went away since she was small. It does not bother her but I can feel it on one side. I hate google so much beacause I get scared. She looks good, she just gets the fear of eating, and refuses to eat food that can make her sick. I am scares of diseases at this point.