Well,the best laid plans of mice and men have come to roost. I was all set to search out a 2nd opinion when it was discovered that I have fractured a rib. Lots of home bed rest, a sports bra that zips in the front, and just plain rest. I'm even moe disappointed that it was mentioned in the last ST report but the doc didn't think it was important enough to tell me about it - even though I complained of extreme pain. BLECH! The only good thing is that today the breast cancer folks said they do not think it is a recurrence of breast cancer, which I have had twice. Primary is waiting for the report from Roswell before taking further action. Fortunately I'm already being seen by a pain management doc who is wonderful !! Still want the 2nd opinion,just putting it on hold - one crisis at a time!
2nd Opinion Sidelined: Well,the best... - Lung Cancer Support
2nd Opinion Sidelined

Well, that certainly reinforces that you should trust yourself and listen to your instincts. You knew the pain was extreme. I am so glad you are getting good care and the pain is being addressed. However, I am sorry you have to wait for that second opinion. Frustrating! Rest, pamper yourself, heal.
I am so sorry that you have run into this very painful roadblock. Take good care of yourself. Glad that the pain management people are helping with you pain. When you are ready, go get that second opinion. Good thoughts and prayers.

Sorry you are having this setback and that the plans to get a second opinion have to be delayed. I hope not cancelled! Given what you have gone through so far, this incident doesn't build trust, does it...
Best hopes for more comfort soon! As for me, I have given up on bras pretty much altogether - my left long does not like any constriction. Fortunately I'm not buxom. Love my cotton undershirts, LOL!
Trust isn't even on the board anymore. The lung doc knew there was an old (no more than 3 months) fracture and didn't bother to tell me. I found out by accident when I needed to get the report for the neurologist and had the guts to read it. This is not what you do to the girl who directly says "TELL ME EVERYTHING, YOU CAN'T SCARE ME! I also clearly explained to him long ago that I don't cry, and I do understand everything - I just don't have the normal reaction; instead I accept it and want to find and focus on the solution. Our next meeting will not be pleasant because apparently he doesn't understand me at all.
Good for you. It takes real guts to stand up to these docs, but we have to do it. I did with my oncologist and we now have a good working relationship. He's one of the best here, but sometimes we have to be pushy. I trust his professional knowledge, but not his understanding of me and my needs.

Keep going on arranging that second opinion. It can take a couple weeks to get in to be seen. Ive dealt with broken ribs that occurred when my cancer treatment pushed my osteopenia over to osteoporosis. 10 breaks actually across 8 ribs. It's not easy to deal with that pain but if you don't have a long drive or if you can put the passenger seat in a reclining position with pillows on you sides dor support you can get this done.
YIKES!!! You have been through the mill and then some!
Rads for breast ca and rads for lung ca left the bones brittle and osteopinia on the verge of ostepporosis didn't help. For once my fractured back is paying off - the pain pills don't care where they work, they just work and the rib pain is not as bad as when I forgot to take the med with me and was away from the house. Best position for me is there isn't one. One fixes the rib and takes the back, and so on.
There is a limit to what I can handle with the TBI, so need to put the 2nd opinion on hold until this is at least not as painful as a knife in my breast 24/7. Also working right now on why I am having balance and passing out problems with the neurologist. Feeling overwhelmed by doctors!! Need to step back for at least a week Feeling very overwhelmed
Thank you!!
Hang in there. The pain will pass. I fractured four ribs when I went into cardiac arrest and had to have CPR. I had fallen and broken my ankle when this happened in hospital. The pain was worth the alternative. Do try to get that second opinion as soon as you can.
Hi Are you a girl? The fracture is behind my breast, and the oncologist said that rads from the breast ca and rads from the lung ca made the bones brittle. They cannot wrap it because I'm a girl. She said one option is a trigger point injection if needed - I cannot think of a needle going through my breast and me tolerating it!! How long did the pain last?
Yes, I have osteoporosis and also break easily. Of course, they had to push on my chest to do CPR. Did not wrap mine, either. My pain was really bad for only about two or three weeks. I did feel it if I moved the wrong way. Initially, it hurt worse than the broken ankle. It does take longer for others to feel less pain. Each of us is different. I was in treatment for less than a year and on Xarelto at the time mine happened.
Sorry that happened to you! Glad you are on this side of the dirt!!!!
Just have to wait this out - it has been at least 4 weeks now and I have an extremely high tolerance for pain. Yes, the sharp one comes and goes depending on how I move but there is always a dull pain in the bakcground. I fractured my back a see a pain specialist for that, so the pain med is helping - it doesn't care where it works!. Time heals all wounds!!
I like your positive attitude! You sound like a survivor to me!
Thank you! Lung ca is my 5th primary ca, so I am used to the ropes! When I had my 2nd breast ca, I told the NPA, who had been with me through the first breast ca "okay, let's cut to the chase - it is ca, and we need to figure out the next step!" I didn't cry, just wanted to focus on getting it out! The NPA was the one with tears in her eyes since she had been with me through the first one.
I've found that the only way to get through is to accept it and focus on the next step!
Hope and pray all is well with you!!