I wrote how my bone marrow biopsy went. I was very scared Monday and almost canceled the appointment and I was already there. My lung biopsy went very well. I was out before they ever put in the numbing medicine in. I kept waking up because when the had me in the machine they kept hitting my arm...lol The doctor asked me if I had my results on my bone biopsy yet and I told him no. Then he said we would have to set up treatment plans but I had no idea. I guess I will find out on the 22nd. I am finally at peace and don't really care so much what the results are at this time. I want to thank everyone for their support and kind word. It really does make a difference when you are going through all of this. Did you know a bone marrow biopsy cost almost 17,000.00. lol I couldn't believe that. I wonder what the lung biopsy is going to cost. I paid 30.00 for the lung biopsy unless they come back with a higher bill. The bone marrow cost us 148.00 I couldn't imagine not having insurance. I want to thank you all again and have a great day...Danna
What a difference between a bone biops... - Lung Cancer Support
What a difference between a bone biopsy and a lung biopsy.

So glad to hear this was so much better - enough is enough, right?! Sounds like you are in good hands, lets see what the plan will be!
Thanks so much for sharing!
I pray your biopsy come back good. I'm glad you're keeping your spirits high and I pray God will give you strength as you go through this journey. God bless you.
Thank you Ruthie
I always appreciate the prayers. On Feb 22 I will find out what all the results are. I feel if I haven't heard anything yet it must be good. The only thing is the doctor who did my lung biopsy mentioned if I had heard the results on my bone biopsy and I told him no. He did say that I would have to do one treatment plan at a time. I didn't question him but it could be why I haven't heard anything yet. I am keeping my spirits up working on my family tree. That keeps me going. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers...Danna
I am so glad to hear that the lung biopsy went well. My fingers are crossed that you get good news, or al least news that is not to bad. Sending you a big hug.
Donna I'm so glad you got thru the tests. Hopefully what they find won't be bad. I'm thinking of you and hoping things turn out ok. Please let us know and if you need to talk i'm here Jo

Thank you Jo. My appointment is Feb 22 and I guess I will find out all then.
@Danna,let us know what is happening. We will all be worring you mean alot to us and we hope its not bad. Jo Taylor

I will Jo, I am not doing well this morning, I woke at 2am and have been coughing and wheezing so bad. It actually wears me out. I may have to call my doctor this morning for her advice. I just am hoping I didn't get a lung infection. I will keep in touch. GBU Jo....Danna