64 years old and beating stage 3bnsclc. Ned.
Cancer survivor: 64 years old and... - Lung Cancer Support
Cancer survivor
Hi, how have you beat stage 3b nsclc???
It's excellent that you have, but how??
I was treated at the Mayo Clinic Chemo and radiation at the same time. Carboplatin and taxol and 200 gy everyday for 30 days. I also took a supplement called AHCC EVERYDAY. THIS Supplement IS USED ALL OVER EUROPE AND ABOUT 200 hospitals in this country use it. It boosts the immune system and kills cancer cells . I got really mad when I found out about the cancer, I was a never smoker and took care of myself But then anger turned into fear and panic. The drs at Mayo put me on 100mg of Zoloft a day and xanax. The most important part of my journey was prayer and true Godly friends and family praying with me and for me. Every morning friends would text me with scriptures that were uplifting and Gods promises. Those scriptures got me through the day. My attitude was a fierce determination I was going to kick this demons butt back to hell. Before each rad treatment I woul gather my techs together and I would give them a pep talk and tell them to go into their safe booth and we were killing cancer. Same with my chemo nurses. I never dreaded treatment I looked at it as a good thing and together with God we were going to be victorious. After 2.5 weeks my tumors shrunk 75%. At 4 weeks the tumors were dead. My drs were thrilled and called my response miraculous. I agree😊 The philosophy at Mayo is the patient comes first. I was assigned to a wonderful team of oncologists and therapist, nutrition and dietitian Mind, body and spirit. Mayo fixes whatever is not working right in the body so your body is free to fight the cancer. Be your on advocate. Let the doctors know you are going to fight this with everything you have. They need to see you have a good attitude. Today I am 7.5 months out of treatment and have no evidence of disease. Drs have every expectation I am going to be in the 15% of victims who beat this demon . Everyday I thank God for his merciful healing. I put myself out there to help His people. I volunteer for hospice and give love and friendship to the patients. People tell me I am a great encouragement to many people. I am just a humble child of God who loves people. If I can give hope to a victim of a bad disease then I will get on the front lines of battle with you and fight for you. NEVER GIVE UP, my doctors all told me that treatment would not cure me, well they were wrong and they are thrilled at my response to treatment. God be with all who are fighting this demon In Christ
That's great,what has worked best for you?
Zflammia please see my story in the above reply to fifi24
Thanks,not sure how I missed your post. You are incredibly strong love your strength.one more question where do I find AHCC,what type is suppument is it?
Stay strong my friend
AHCC IS MADE IN JAPAN FROM A POWERFUL MUSHROOM. MY DOCTOR PUT IT IN MY HAND WHEN I WAS DX. I BUY MINE ON AMAZON. 1000mg twice a day. AHCC boosts your immune system and kills cancer cells. It won't kill them all but doctor says this also made the cancer more sensitive to radiation and chemo. I took 6000 mg a day for 2 weeks and then 2000 mg once a day for the rest of my life.
I still have a few days where I get a little scared but I tell the devil to get back in hell Remember. Be a fighter. Talk to that cancer and tell it to die! I talked to mine all through treatment. It gave me something to point my anger at. Above all I thank God all the time for my blessings, even when things were bad I thanked God. ( it was hard to thank Him for cancer but " in all things be thankful. Get out and enjoy the sunshine if you are able. God Bless😊
Good afternoon Texas64
,I wanted to share some good news and thank you for all your encouragement to all.But most of all I wanted you to know I started Ahcc back in February,when my pet scan was done ,they found a new spot on the adrenal gland.No surgery for the lung now stage 4.I consider trails,at Dana Faber,but insurance won't approve it.so off to Sloan Kettering I went.
New scan april 24th no active cancer in lung or my nodes in my chest!Only the gland was active.Down surgery road for the 3rd time bit this time it really happened!I am now NED!! I take 3000 mg a day AHCC everyday and vitium C.No sugar or carbs in my diet.healing well and pray my scan in August is clear.God bless and thanks for sharing
Survivor of nsclc 3b, 5 yrs later BAC 3a, 4yrs later 4 tumors. Its called remission. We never really "beat" it. Wish you the best, dont let your guard down..be well
My doctors at Mayo told me that lung cancer does not go into remission, there is ned. No evidence of disease. After 5 years if I am still clean they feel comfortable to say I am healed. They also told me that for some people the cancer will come back. We all respond differently, I was fortunate that I never experienced nausea or vomiting. I was only tired all the time. some bone pain that left after treatment. Enjoyabull please never give up. You never know what is around the corner in the way of new drugs. God Bless
Just sayin mine came back 5.5 yrs later new primary. I too was ned as they say, but its just remission at a stage 3 or higher. Its now back for third time. It will be 9 yrs feb 20th since 1st diagnosis. Im in no way giving up, hoping for a third surgery. Just beware of how you're feeling, I never thought mine would come back. Stay well, be will. I only wish you all the best!
Hi Patches. What were you feeling when cancer came back? When you say a new primary does that mean a different kind of cancer?
Hi Texas64, i was having shortness of breath and weight loss with both and now. Every thing has been in right lung. 1st nsclc, second new primary meaning different type, andeno in situ, (BAC). I dont know yet what type i have now, but its in remaining part of right lung. I have no mutations this time so an oral treatment is not an option. Stay strong, we got this! Patch
hi..im new at this what is BNSCLC , thank you