I have been in remission but afraid it is back. Doctor said he would do a scan Ina few weeks. But I worry about waiting. I had carcinoid lung cancer. My "numbers are up again from 120 to 500 inabout 3 months. So Doc. Thinks the cancer is back. Do I need to worry so much about waiting a few weeks or months? My hot flashes are back and slight cough back again, also,pain in my shoulder. Can I have some feedback about this, please. Thank you.
Return of cancer.: I have been in... - Lung Cancer Support
Return of cancer.

I dont wait for anything dr. Gets me in on all tests and appts. Pronto... So sorry and God Bless You...
Hi, what kind of test showed that the numbers are up? I would want the doctor to schedule a test as soon as possible in case you need treatment. What possible reason could there be to wait? Having a scan is hard on the nerves but having to wait like that is much worse. Sorry for this worry that you are having to go through
Hi,, I am going to go back to my bloodwork results, then I'll let you know the name of it. I know, I should have the scan soon, right? Doc. Said he would do it asap if that would make me feel better. It's not that it will make me feel better ( may not be good news) I am anxious.

Ok, the blood test is called chromagranin A.
I understand how you feel. Everytime I have a scan I am scared to death. You never know whether you want to know or not. You are in my thoughts and I will be praying for you. We will be here for you. Keeps us posted .
Thank you, Lindacoz,
I know that's exactly how I feel. Do you know what I am referring to when I said chromagranin blood test ?
Hi, I get two tumor maker tests.One is c-15and the other is CEA. I have never had that test but I have read about it. It does not sound like one that is ordered for lung cancer.. What kind of treatment are you receiving now? It does not sound like the dr. Is concerned. There are articles online that lists other reasons that your numbers may be up. As for me, I would want to know what is going so that if need be, you can get ready ro do battle again. Sending lovr
Hi, I am not receiving treatment right now, just Doc. Visit every three months and b/w. I already researched the blood test and it is in fact a tumor marker test. I don't think doc. is too worried but did say the cancer has most likely returned, I have confidence in him, he is well liked , it's me who is the nervous wreck. But he also said having a scan right away would not change the overall results, I should have asked him what he meant by that.i was at stage 3 and was in remission, so I do trust him. I'll look up more info on the test, thank you. I think I'll just have the scan and be done with it .will keep you all up to date.
Have your Dr do the tests right away. Worrying is hell. Praying for you. Hope you are still in remission.
Hi, I know that this can be very scary but try not to worry because that doesn't help at all be as positive as you can be no matter what the outcome and all the things you just said makes it seem as though the cancer is back but everything is not always as it appears but I wouldn't wait months weeks to find out anything the sooner you get on top of this the better and just trust God you were in remission once before you can go back into remission again just keep that in mind take it one day at a time stay strong and positive and it will all work out. Just keep kicking Cancer's ass every time it returns and live life but don't live in fear. Trust God to see you through this again if need be.
Thank you for that. I am at my wits end trying to decide to wait for scan or not, mainly because it is the scan that is more detailed. The Octriascan, I know it's spelled wrong, but this test is $18,000 a clip and would not want to have a repeat if it's too early.... I still pay 20% of cost. I know no amount of money is worth risking my health, I get that, but beings the Dr. says it's ok to wait I am having issues deciding. And, oh, joy, joy, my appointment was just set back a week! I just can't win. Not only am I already depressed, but my dear son, 34 years old came to stay from California to help me over a year ago. But he is suffering with severe depression himself and I am trying to help him and keep it together. This is all affecting every aspect of my life. There are so many ups and downs, 😟. Thank you for listening to my ramblings.

I am talking to God, I know he will be here for me anytime, he's probably saying "Oy, just trust in me already!" Lol
I was diagnosed with lung cancer Aug 2015,had surgery Sept 2015. Removed my upper right lobe. Was very blessed, no chemo or radiation. I have had a cough since the surgery and they don't know why. I have hot flashes too. They say I am cancer free. Waiting us very stressful. May God bless you through this difficult time.
I had a right lobectomy in 2013...I have hots and cold sweats a lot. Had pneumonia twice in two months, still hurt in my stomach most days. I go to every kind of dr but they can't find anything. .
Will be praying for all please keep me in your prayers...I do know God is watching over us.
Maybe it's ibs That is not fun.
How did things go for you and how are you feeling?
Hi Nancy, just saw this, sorry. I am bacically alright right now. I have another visit with the doc in a week. I usually get my Sandostatin shot first. Then he can see if the numbers are going down or up. That depends how the cancer is doing. I am getting my hot body flashes back, so that's not very good sign.
How have you been been feeling? Anything new?
Scan came back.No sign of cancer,they believe it was just a scar,but will go back in a year and look again.Doing nothing as far as medicine goes,for pulmonary hypertension and no medicine for COPD at this time.But I did say something to Dr. about my shortness of breath.And his answer was,that it is just me sighing.I ask him what he just said and repeated it again.Needless to say I was upset,and told him that I know what a sigh is,and that this shortness of breath is not me just sighing,I know my body. But I guess the only thing to do is wait for it to progress and then maybe he will do something about it.
Thank you for checking back in with this post NancyLynn , and thanks for your answer gibdonnalee .
If you, or your son, need someone to talk to, please give us a call. Please let us know how your next doc visit goes as well. You are in our thoughts!
TY Travis, waiting to see oncologist next week to see where I'm at. My son has returned to CA. He did not want to leave me and his Dad, but I made him see that, for me, the best thing to do is return and get on with his life,, staying here in PA would not do him any good. He has better work prospects and his friends are there. Of cause I did not tell him the cancer returned. Am I wrong to do this? He is already doing better there.
@NancyLynn. GibDonnaLee is right you find a dr who will check it out and not say your sighing. sometimes I don't know about dad's. Let us all know.