Revitive Circulation Boosters are currently being adve... - LSN
Revitive Circulation Boosters are currently being advertised on TV. Are they any help for people with lymphoedema in both legs?

Although some companies try and say that these circulation boosters are good for people with lots of conditions including oedema, I can't really see how they would be any good for us lymphies. I have previously been advised to steer clear from them by my nurse
i bought one about 5 yrs ago when they first came out in australia nd it did improve the colour of my feet and toes but was a pain to use so i gave up. you have to have bare skin contact on the soles of your feet which means no compression and legs down for half an hour so good is cancelled out by bad.
``````````````````````a vexed question ! I am an ex-pat Kiwi living in Ukraine. I bought my circulation booster in NZ about two/three years ago. On the one I bought.. a Circulation Booster High Tech Health.... on yhe pamphlet , in ,icroscopic letters at the very bottom, it says something like NOT advised for people with cellulitis which of course we know to be a side-kick of lymhoedema. And you also have to remember that oedema per se is not always the same as its ugly cuzzie bro lymphoedema! I am sure Wendyjames will appreciate that bit of lingo from the Antipodes! Back to the cb. When using the machine much better results are achieved (as advised) when NON- greasy massage ( darn it the word I wanted has flown away...) stuff is massaged into the feet before using the machine. I was lucky to be aable to purchase a wonderful NZ made product th was 100% seaweed and was so beneficial with all the essential minerals and elements for a healthy life. I brought the machine to Ukraine with me.
continuation of above,,,Does it do any good/harm? It cerainly seems beneficial and I use it for about half an hour a time but I havrn't used it frequently as I have had an awful lot of moving building problems the last year that you wouldn't believe, But I have just been think thinking that I should do two things...and I will. That is use it in moderation for 30 days and write to the manufacturer or whichever and try to get a more detailed and why answer out of them, Re the above message from me I meant to say moisturizing stuff.
I believe that the cb you mention is also sold through cosyfeet which would be a good place to buy it since you can get your money refunded if you do not find the machine favourable
If anyone considering purchasing the C.B that suffers with lipoedema also then i would advise against it. We can not use vibration plates in any form unless they oscillate not vibrate or this will cause our lymph system to stimulate more fluid that will have more trouble trying to free itself from our bodies. If your knees are bad. Medics warn against the use of plates also.
Hi a relative bought me a circulation booster a few years ago,I used it for a while,not sure I should as I have primary lyphoedema in feet and legs.So can,t really help as no idea about using them,wish there was more information.As you have to use them without anything on your feet.
Looking at all the replies it looks like the answer is at best maybe, but equally maybe not. Has anyone from LSN tried or tested?
You would get more benefit from upping your intake of water and then having more frequent trips to the loo! To be honest, simple walking, or even pottering, has more effect.
Several of my clients have invested in these devices in recent years. They used them diligently once or twice a day, with or without compression garments on. Whilst it meant they were stationary for 30 minutes (sitting down) and their ankles felt more mobile after using the machine, any effects were very short lived - a couple of hours at best. It never appeared to have had any measurable affect on the lymphoedema. They are of very little benefit unless the user is willing to also do SLD to the abdomen/trunk either during or after use. One lady found that her knees became more problematic, as they increased in size - her device now resides at the back of the cupboard under the stairs!
I have lymphoedema in both legs and bought the predecessor to these and sold it 2 months later as it did nothing to help my lymph at all...
Thanks for the comments, this device has just gone on offer for £105.99 on -- I'll give it a miss!