My daughter went to a pulmonogist who gave her an emergency action plan if she had a flare up and her rescue inhaler didn't help the first time within 15 min. She's to take so many puffs so many times apart and then after a certain amount of time go to the ER if not improved. I asked my asthma dr (well it was a PA) what I was supposed to do if my rescue inhaler didn't help after using it the first time and she looked at me like I was crazy and said she's never heard of that happening and to just go to the ER if I feel like using it once doesn't help. I was just wondering what other people have been told.
What is your emergency action plan? - Living with Asthma
What is your emergency action plan?

This is a good discussion!
My pulmonologist gave me a specific asthma action plan and we review it each time I go in to their office.
In the UK we have a ‘national’ plan which it tailored to each asthmatic (no matter type or severity). Over here, it describes what a ‘red zone’ attack is/feels like, how to treat and what to do if it doesn’t work. We have 1 plan for adults and 1 for kids.
I know things work differently in the US but it may give you some guidance. Similarly if you’re looking for information about things the asthma UK website is helpful (just ignore specific UK things 😉)
Here most ‘red’ attacks are treated with up to 10 puffs before needing hosp, tho some more severe asthmatics have it tailored. For me, 2 nebs b2b needs hospital.
But no the asthma pump won’t necessarily always help
Hope this helps a little anyway
Good luck x
Thank-you for the link have never seen one before
You’re welcome 😉
If it helps we class yellow zone at 70-80% PF and red is 50-60% PF (depends on individual).
As I said every asthmatic in the UK is meant to have a tailored action plan 😅
If red zone is classified as 50-60% PF what colour does it use to represent <50%?🤔
The boundary thresholds alter between patients. So for some red will be anywhere below 60%, for others it’ll be below 50%. Similarly green is anywhere higher than 70% or 80% depending on the individual. Yellow is the space in between.
Personally my green is higher than 75% and red is below 50%. I also use black zone as anywhere below 30%. I hope that makes sense 😅
🤔 I'd think "blue/pale" might b an appropriate description for that "grey" zone of 30-50% between red & black! Eh?😉
Yeah, makes perfect sense! My current action plan has green >80%, yellow 50-80% & red <50% but unofficially if I'm <25% I've been told my colour is "whiter than Casper the Ghost with a suntan!" Lol
Asthma action plan is known in the US, too. It may only be used by allergist, lung specialists, and pediatricians.
Do you check peak flows at home? My asthma action plan is based on peak flow, symptoms, and response to rescue meds.
Thank you for the responses and the links! That's all very helpful! My asthma/allergy dr did not give me a peak flow meter but my daughter had an extra she gave me so that I CAN check it. I just thought it so odd that dr didn't feel any of this was important. I am going to find a new doctor.