Its really hard to perform daily task as normal people would be able to sometimes taking a shower can be challenging its getting difficult to deal with when your so use to be able to do things a certain way and now you can't it caused alot of stress and worry which doesn't help the situation I've been told so much to file for disability because of my inability to do things I use to ,but I feel a type of way about that I want to push myself but the strain is becoming to much where I'm feeling depressed.
Asthma: Its really hard to perform daily... - Living with Asthma
Good morning Denise 😊
So glad you are here but also I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time! Someone posted last week that asthma sucks- and at times I totally agree!
You are not alone in your asthma... simply getting up in the morning, cooking a meal or going grocery shopping can be a challenge because of it. Asthma can limit our daily physical and social activities too.
Keep talking tp your doctor and their asthma doctor and her staff have helped me and are a great support system, we keep me in control of my asthma...
Keep the Faith!
I know this might be considered out there, but when I was in a place like you sound to be, before the diagnosis and inhalers came to me and made slight improvement, I tried acupuncture. It was a last ditch effort for relief while I waited on doctors and insurance. it was amazing how much it helped me! The first session lasted about 3 days for me. The second, 4 days. I don't have the time or money to keep going, but it got me through until the rest was dealt with. it's worth a shot!
Definitely will give it a chance anything that will help and thank u !